The Prime Suspect (part one)

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It was a quiet night, until the police were tipped off about a mysterious cabin in the woods, they stormed the woods and kept out prying eyes.

A full white moon graced the deep blue (if not almost black) sky with barely visible stars, of the night. The Homeland Security team as well as the Swat team and the police found the cabin, they broke into the cabin and were faced with cameras and files on the tables displaying victims of the Killer Queen.

*Earlier that day*

"Ma'am, someone reported seeing a cabin in the woods and have reported it as they weren't sure how long it's been there." Said Shane to his boss as she reviewed the report and then handed it to George, the Homeland Security were still in charge but John and Shane did a background check on Agent Shooter.

"What did the background check reveal about Agent Shooter?" Asked George to John who looked and removed his notepad from his pocket. "Agent Shooter is a disgraced Homeland Security Agent. Apparently, he exposed three women as witches but he was responsible for the deaths, the women were Prue, Piper and Phoebe Halliwell. Their bodies were found burned alive after an explosion but they never managed to escape alive, his former boss dismissed him immediately and squarely blamed him for the deaths of three innocent women."

"I thought they were witches?" Asked Jill very confused about it all. "Well that couldn't be proven because Agent Shooter's evidence had just disappeared, from what we know his records were deleted and never seen again."

"No trace no evidence Ma'am linking to the fact that Prue, Piper and Phoebe Halliwell were witches. Their bloods came back as human according to the coroner who performed the autopsy on the three of them, so Agent Shooter was disgraced and was fired from the Homeland Security building. He has since then been trying to expose magic, with little to no success." Explained Shane to Jill, just then their attention is drawn to the cabin once again.

They tell Agent Shooter who doesn't thank them, they form a plan for later that day when they go and investigate the cabin in the woods, after forming the plan they receive an anonymous letter revealing that they should butt out of the investigation.

However, none of them listen and later that night they go to the cabin in the woods and the story brings itself up to speed.

"What the hell?" Said George aloud as they look around after putting gloves on, Jill looks at the files of the victims. "This Killer certainly wasn't playing around with us. They knew everything about their victims from Lucy "Juice" Gambaro to Cyrus "The Virus" Peterborough."

"The Killer kept tabs on everyone who they were going after. Learning their routines and whatnot, to finding out how to make their move. This bastard was planning everything, even torturing us with the clues and letters." John said in response to Jill as they looked around.

Shane comes across a diary and opens it to read it; "8:35am DCI George Gently is seen arriving at the London Met, shortly after being called out of retirement by DI Jill Raymond. 9:15am DS John Bacchus arrives at the London Met possibly having heard of George being pulled out of retirement." Shane read aloud as the others were shocked.

"This Killer who knew we were, no doubt about it."

"Today, Danielle was questioned by the police for a crime that had happened to her daughter-in-law Serena exactly nine months ago. DS Shane Watkins is questioning his own friend as he knows that she is hiding something but can not put his finger on it, as George stood with him on the balcony of the London Met." Shane continued on as George shook his head. "That Killer knew you were questioning her and used that against you by attacking you." George said to Shane who couldn't disagree with him.

However, Jill picked up on the crime that happened nine months ago; "That's why Serena and Bernie had returned home nine months ago, she was raped by those bullies who bullied her in school. Danielle knew it was her daughter-in-law the whole time.."

"That's why she lied to us, she made up the story of a teenage girl being raped because she knew it was Serena, and the fact that the girl's parents didn't want to report it." John said finishing Jill's sentence.

They had just discovered that Danielle had lied about the crime that happened nine months ago, and it now begged the question what else Danielle was lying about especially for George and Shane.

After returning to the London Met, George and Shane brought Serena in for questioning as Bernie came to support her wife; "Serena, we have been made aware that you were sexually assaulted nine months ago, and had returned home to your mother-in-law." Explained George to her as she remained silent and stared at the table trying desperately to avoid the flashbacks.

"Who told you that? What happened nine months ago was sorted when the Killer Queen killed those women for they did." Argued Bernie as George and Shane weren't surprised that she knew about it.

"We found a diary in the cabin which is under investigation, and in that diary was the truth regarding nine months ago, and the fact that your mother had covered it up by not reporting it to the police." Shane said and explained as Serena spoke up.

"Mummy didn't cover it up!"

"What do you mean Serena? Mummy didn't cover it up." Asked George in response to her statement. Serena bit her lip before making a shocking statement to them and her wife; "Mummy didn't cover it up I know because..I did. I covered it up and told no one except for mummy who told Bernie, plus it was my business and the people who did it to me got what they deserved. Do you know how much of my life that I spent being tortured, abused and humiliated by people and those girls, how many times my pleas went unheard and how many times *Serena began to get angry as none of them knew how angry she was deep down* I was left without protection. The entire system let me down, I was alone and I hated everyone who turned a blind eye to what was happening, I had every reason to cover up that rape. Do you know how long it actually took for mummy to get through to me? Nothing can ever make up for what the system did to me, so why should it do anything for me now?" With that Serena had a fit of rage and destroyed the interview room in her fury before walking out of the room with Bernie following her.

George and Shane were left shaken, they hadn't realised just how much the system had let Serena down, she was abused and bullied by people who should have been protecting her instead they turned a blind eye and did nothing. "Poor Serena! Her whole life had consisted of abuse, bullying and humiliation, all because the system couldn't see what was truly happening to her. It's no wonder she covered it up, she didn't trust the system and had lost faith in it, Serena didn't deserve to be left like that at all. Look what it's done to her! She's angry and is full of rage against the system." Said George to Shane as Jill and John joined them.

"We've got the results back for fingerprints, they belong to David Kirk." Announced John to them as Shane looked up. "David? What was he doing at the cabin?"

"Probably looking for his next victim. His fingerprints are the one files and the equipment, he's our Killer Queen, George." Said Jill to George as he agreed with her, "As I suspected, let's get an arrest warrant for David I want him off of the streets." George replied as they got it sorted.

To be continued...

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