The Cryptic Clues Tell A Story

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George heard his phone ringing as he played with his grandson, before surrendering to him and answering his phone; "Hello, go and play Jase, George Gently speaking." He said as he watched Jase play in the sand pit.

Jill replied; "Hi, George. It's Jill Raymond, Detective Inspector at the London Met."

"What can I do for you, Inspector?" He responded as she told him the problems, gaining his attention. "Ok, I'll be right in, but I need to drop my grandson off first to his mum."

"Ok thanks George, I am sorry for pulling you out of retirement, I...I just didn't know who else to turn to." Jill apologized to George who was very understanding.

"Inspector it's ok, honestly. I'll be right there, and I will help on the case ok." He said to the Inspector before they hung up from the call, George got his grandson ready and then drove him home to his mum. George apologized to his daughter, but she smiles knowing how much her dad had left an impact as an officer, she too having heard of the murders and had instantly known that her father would be called out of retirement.

Still, she says it's fine and encourages her dad to go and get the killer off of the streets of London, George smiled at his daughter before saying goodbye and that he loves them both very much.

George then drove to the London Met and parked his car in the carpark, climbing out of his car and locking it before walking up to the doors which have been surrounded by reporters who snapped him and began surrounding him for answers; "Chief Inspector, what's your take on the seven grisly murders?" One reporter said as he ignored him.

"Why have you been pulled out of retirement? Is Inspector Raymond struggling with the case? Are there any suspects yet?" Another reporter asked him as he got through the crowds, while reaching the doors, he turned round to face them.

"Read my lips and take the hint. No comment." He replied to them before turning on his heel and heading into the building. He went up to Jill's department and saw her; "Good morning, Inspector." He said as she looked up at him and smiled, she got up and greeted him with a cuddle.

Shane made him a coffee as Jill informed him of the murders while handing files on each victim; "Any apparent motive?" George asked her as Shane returned with his drink and then sat down next to Jill.

"No, but then again these cryptic clues are like riddles." Replied the Inspector to George as he looked at the clues, and he read each one. "Wait a second! These two clues are connected. The killer speaks of a girl who was ignored by the system and is allowed to be bullied. Who's the girl that was bullied?"

"We don't know sir. I went through the system, but found nothing sir, and whoever the girl was she never reported the bullying to the police." Responds the Sergeant to George, before he handed the reports to the Chief Inspector who looked them over and was very angry.

He got up to pace the floor in thought, slipping his hands into his pockets before speaking thoughtfully to them; "So, a teenage girl is bullied at school and no one intervenes or protects the little girl. Because the system lets her down, she has probably lost faith in the system, which I can't blame her but how the fuck did the killer know about it? This information just doesn't fall into their lap, and bam, I'm gonna punish them."

"Well that's what's happening sir. One of our victims who is forty-nine, was apparently one of the ring leaders that had taunted our mystery bullied girl. The killer stated in the clue that they had given our forty-nine year old victim the chance to repent and confess her crimes but she never did. Hence why we both (myself and Jill) think that this is personal for the killer." Explains Shane answering George's questions, but one thing remained, who was the mystery bullied girl.

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