Lending Money Pt 1 (Akiyama)

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Description: Akiyama meets a client who is in dire need of money, you. You work at a job that barely pays enough to keep your house AND have food on the table, often having not much food in a day to eat. He kindly helps you out by lending you money. (Female reader)


Akiyama awoke on the couch at Sky Finance. Stretching as he sat up, he rubbed his eyes before fixing his clothes and brushing his hair. He heard the door open and Hana walked in with some breakfast. She put his on the table with his coffee before sitting at her desk.

"You're a lifesaver, Hana-chan." He smiled.

"Yeah yeah. Eat up before heading out. Also get a shower."

"Oh, yeah, on it."

Akiyama slowly ate his breakfast, savouring each bite and each sip of coffee. After he finished, he emptied the trash since that was the job Hana assigned to him. She didn't want to be the only one taking care of the office all the time so she assigned him the trash which he surprisingly keeps on top of. He then set off back to his place to freshen up properly. He tossed his clothes into a washing basket before getting another pair of duplicate clothes out, placing them on his bed before entering the bathroom. He hummed happily, embracing the soothing, warm water on his body. He loved having showers because he could relax. Akiyama washed his hair also since it was getting greasy.

After 10 minutes he stepped out of the shower, grabbing a towel. He dried himself, still humming happily before making his way to his bedroom. He made sure to have his blinds closed so nobody could look in. Whilst getting dressed, he looked at his phone. Damn, it was dead. He quickly dried and styled his hair before putting his phone on charge. Akiyama sighed, laying on his bed to chill for a bit. The comfort of his soft mattress made his eyes slowly close, gently drifting off to sleep again. His phone suddenly vibrated, making him groan tiredly. He looked at it was at 100%. It had also been a few hours. Woops, hope Hana-chan doesn't mind.

He made his way to the streets, greeting everyone who knew him as he passed. Everyone seemed to like him since he was friendly and approachable. As he was walking, a stranger drifted past him, catching his attention. He turned to look at them and they looked back, giving a cute smile and a little wave before going about their day. Akiyama stood there, smiling whilst he watched the stranger walk away. He noticed them go inside a sex shop, but didn't think anything of it.

"There you are! Did you have a lie in again?" Hana asked, grabbing his arm.

"Oh, Hana-chan. Sorry! Do you need me?"

"We had someone but they said they'll come back later."

"Damn, sorry about that. I'll go back. You got their number?"

"Yep. I'll give her a call. You get your butt back to the office!"

Akiyama scratched the back of his neck, "Alright alright!"

They returned to the office and he sat on the couch, looking at his watch. Hana called the client and told them that Akiyama was back. He scrolled on his phone, waiting.

"Right, the client is called Y/N. She should be here any moment." Hana informed.

"Great, thanks."

You soon walked through the door nervously. Akiyama looked up from his phone, raising an eyebrow. Didn't I see her earlier? You greeted Hana before sitting down in front of Akiyama, rubbing your hands nervously.

"Hi Y/N, I'm Akiyama. Didn't I walk past you earlier?"

You smiled softly, "Oh, yeah we did. Pretty small world huh?"

"Yeah! Now, why are you here?"

You looked down, nervously rubbing your hands again, "Well... I need some money... I don't know how much, just some to keep me going I suppose..."

"Well, you tell me about why and we can figure out how much in a bit, alright?" He smiled warmly.

"Alright... My job doesn't pay well... The shop you saw me walk into... is where I work."

Akiyama nodded, "Do you not get many requests?"

You shook your head, "No. I recently moved here so I tried to find a job but Cherry Blossom was the only place that accepted me. I thought it was good since it has both men and women doing the same job but... Nobody wants me.."

"Damn, I don't see why nobody would request you. Tell me, do you enjoy that sort of job?"

"No... unless I'm just chatting to someone then it's really fun. But nobody seems to come around..."

He gently placed his hand on yours, "We'll figure this out, ok?"

You nodded, "Whatever your special test is, I'll do it."

"No need, I trust what you're saying is true. I'll give you 1 mil, is that alright?"

"1 mil!? I don't be able to pay it back!"

Akiyama chuckled, "You can when you've got a bunch of guys coming to you daily. I can get word out for you!"

"Really? Thank you so much!" You hugged him tightly, making him blush a bit.

He hugged back, "Any time. Keep doing your best at Cherry Blossom. I'll try to find people who may be interested in stopping by. I'm always good at advertising!"

You nodded, smiling happily. He went to another room before coming out with 1 million yen in a backpack to be inconspicuous. You grabbed it, putting it on.

"I appreciate everything, Akiyama-san." 

He watched you leave with a huge smile on his face, blatantly obvious that he had fallen for you.

"I can never get you." Hana said, shaking her head.

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