Our Son (Kiryu)

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I didn't know what to name the kid lmao sorry 😂

Description: You and Kiryu had even together for a few years and you helped him make his orphanage, Morning Glory. You were also expecting a baby and Kiryu asks Rikiya to watch over the orphanage whilst you and him go to the hospital when your water breaks. (Female reader.)


Kiryu has been your boyfriend for a few years now, going through thick and thin and may obstacles with you. He could finally catch a break to be with you, but was always hyper aware of everything around him. He knew at any moment his past life would creep up on him unexpectedly, so he spends as much time with you as he can. He treats you like a queen as well, often doing all the chores and making food for you whilst looking after the orphanage. You did help out as often as you could which Kiryu appreciated, but he didn't want you to be doing everything all the time.

You went out shopping with Haruka whilst Kiryu stayed at the orphanage. He insisted on staying behind so he could watch over the children and be ready for anything. You both looked for groceries, placing them in a basket before paying for them.

"Y/N!" Rikiya smiled, walking up to you.

"Rikiya, hi!"

"Hi uncle Rikiya!" Haruka beamed.

"How are you both doing?"

"We're good, just shopping. What about you?" You asked.

"I'm good! Need any help carrying your bags?"

"If you don't mind!"

Rikiya walked back to the orphanage with you and Haruka, chatting away happily. As you arrived, the other kids ran up to Rikiya and talked to him, leaving you and Haruka to go inside with the groceries.

"Aniki" Kiryu smiled, patting him on the back, "How's everyone doing?"

"We're great! What about you?" He grinned, "When's the baby due?"

"This week. I'm so excited but also terrified."

"We're not gonna let anyone hurt your son or Y/N so don't worry!" Rikiya reassured.

You helped Haruka place the groceries away before looking down at your belly, placing your hand on it. You were expecting very soon. Haruka smiled at you, placing her hand on your belly too, feeling your son kick. She giggled happily before finishing putting everything away. You walked back outside and joined everyone, Haruka soon joining as you all chatted to each other happily.

"You're both already great parents to everyone here! You'll be fine!" Rikiya smiled.

"Yeah, we will be." Kiryu smiled, holding your hand.

The other kids went to play as Rikiya left, leaving you and Kiryu smiling as you watched the sun's reflection on the water, shimmering.

"I love you so much." You smiled.

Kiryu gave you a small kiss, "I love you too."

Night quickly fell on the world. Everyone was asleep in the orphanage as well as you, being cuddled by Kiryu. You felt a slight pain in your side, waking you up. You sighed and went to the bathroom. As you sat on the toilet you felt something gush out of you. You looked down, realising your water just broke. Gasping, you steadily stood up and walked over to your bedroom, trying to be quiet so you don't wake the children.

"Kiryu...! You whispered.

He opened his eyes, sitting up and putting the lamp on, "You alright?"

"My water broke! I don't want to wake the kids and no one will be watching if we both go to the hospital and-"

Kiryu quickly walked over and put his hands on your shoulders, "Look at me, breathe. Rikiya can watch over them. They'll be fine. We should get going. I'll call him."

You picked up a few blankets and a pillow then put a coat on, following Kiryu outside as he called a taxi. He quickly called Rikiya as well.

"Aniki, sorry for waking you. Y/N's going into labour, can you keep watch over the orphanage for a while? Great, thanks." He sighed in relief.

As you were waiting for the taxi, a contraction started, making you gasp in pain and kneel on the floor. Kiryu knelt beside you, holding your hand as you rode out the pain. The taxi soon came and he helped you inside, putting the backpack on before getting in. He held your hand as the taxi driver quickly drove to the hospital, helping you breathe through the contractions.

"Keep pushing!" The nurse said.

Kiryu kept hold of your hand as you kept trying to push, tears streaming down your sweaty face as you struggled.

You began sobbing, "I can't do it!!"

"Look at me! You can! I'm here with you. I don't care how hard you squeeze my hand, do it." Kiryu encouraged, kissing your forehead.

You took a few seconds to compose yourself before pushing one final time, your son finally entering the world. Kiryu laughed happily, hugging you tightly as the nurses went to clean and wrap the baby. You hugged him, crying in his chest. He stroked your hair, kissing your forehead many times. The nurses handed you the baby and Kiryu sat next to you, smiling whilst the nurses checked to see if there were any tears, which luckily there weren't and you soon stopped bleeding.

You were shortly transferred out of the delivery room. Kiryu stayed by your side, incredibly happy as he saw your son start feeding. You chuckled as it felt weird but beautiful. He held your hand, kissing your forehead again. You both decided the baby will be called Yuta. Kiryu looked at the clock, it was 08:27am, 5 hours prior your water broke. He noticed your eyes fluttering as your head fell back, taking Yuta so you could fall asleep peacefully. He held Yuta in his arms, tears rolling down his cheeks as he felt truly happy again...

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