Icy Mistake (Majima)

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Description: You loved standing on top of Millennium Tower, watching the city below you. You went there to kill some time before meeting Majima to exchange presents a little early since he's usually busy on Christmas day. He hated it when you went there, often saying it's dangerous but you never listened. Maybe on this occasion he was right...



The wind flowed through your hair effortlessly as you overlooked the city, watching cars below look like toys being played by children, the people like ants scattering the pavement. This was your favourite spot to go to, the roof of Millennium Tower, a place to be invisible and to breathe. It was a place to forget about your life for a moment and watch the world go by. You always brought a warm coat with you so you could stay out for a while longer, watching the starts twinkle gently upon the black blanket that is the sky. You also knew how dangerous this place was, following the stories of what happened upon this rooftop multiple times because it seemed surreal.

The fights, the explosion that made money rain from the sky, everything felt as if it was from a movie. As you leant against the railings, snowflakes gently floated down from the sky, gracefully landing on the ground below and on you. You smiled, exhaling to see the mist in the air, pretending that you were smoking. You always did that when you were young, your inner child still carrying on that memory into adulthood. You knew this place was hated by Majima, but you still saw the beauty.

It was nearly Christmas so the streets were hugged by the snow which glittered in the moonlight. You opened your bag and looked inside, finding the beautifully wrapped Christmas present that you had bought a few hours earlier. Majima insisted on getting his presents a little earlier in case he was busy on Christmas day, so you got his present now, 4 days before. Your cheeks were red from the icy air patting your face, the snow beginning to fall quicker.

You pulled out your phone and looked at the time. It was 00:12. Almost time to meet up with Majima to give him your gift. Zipping up your bag, you put it over your shoulder and walked to the door. You tugged at a few times but it didn't budge. Shit! It seems to be either locked or frozen. You barged against the door with your other shoulder, banging it hard and loud.

"Hello!? Someone open the door!" You yelled.

A few minutes passed and you gave up trying, no one was answering or helping. You hastily got out your phone and started calling Majima, going to voicemail each time.

"Honey, I'm trapped on the roof of the fucking tower! I think the door is frozen or locked! I'm sorry if I'm late!"

You decided to try to call Saejima, his phone also going to voicemail.

"Yo, the door is frozen or locked, I'm stuck on the roof of Millennium Tower and its fucking freezing. Please answer!"

You hung up and looked at the battery in the corner. 12%. You forgot to charge your phone! You placed your phone back into your pocket, leaning against the railings as you hugged yourself to keep warm. Your coat was your only source of warmth as you didn't expect to be outside for long. The snow became heavier as you put your hood up, blowing on your hands to heat them up before hiding them in your pockets.

"They'll come soon." You mumbled to yourself, shivering as you tried to stay positive.

There was nothing to do but watch the snow fall down as if a white blanket fell onto the city, wrapping itself around buildings and vehicles. Ice quickly formed on the railings as the temperature dropped dramatically. You remembered hearing that today would be one of the coldest winters in history. You remembered seeing a sign before going outside to the rooftop, advising against it as the door may become frozen shut. Tears rolled down your cheeks as you regretted being too stubborn and going out.

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