Stolen Money Pt 2 (Majima)

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Description: Majima had captured you and took you to Shimano to get answers for the stolen money. Majima and Saejima realised that he was going to kill you no matter what so they had to save you.



Shimano threw cold water over you, causing you to yell as you woke up in shock. He laughed loudly, ordering the two guys from before to start beating you again. You held out for about an hour, almost losing your voice from all the screaming that you did due to the pain.

"Feel like talking yet!?" Shimano yelled.

"OK, OK!!" You cried out, tears streaming down your face.

Majima watched, feeling awful for you.

"Where's the fucking money!?"

"They're gonna join with the Korean mafia! They want to eliminate yakuza! They have an office in the Millennium Tower, 43rd floor" You sobbed, "They got the money! They set me up and threatened to kill my family!!"

Shimano grabbed your chin and made you look at him, "What else!?"

"That's all I know I swear!!" You cried more.

He punched you, "Have they joined yet!?"

"No, they're making a deal this Saturday! Please let me live I'm begging you!!"

He punched you again, "Why should I when you could be lying to us?"

"I'm not lying I swear!!! I didn't steal the money!! Please don't hurt me anymore!!"

Shimano raised his hand again but Majima grabbed it, "Boss."

Shimano looked at him, "The fuck are you doing!?"

"Ya got information, let them go."

"They're lying!"

You cried, "It's the truth I swear!"

"I'll keep watch. You can see for yourself if they're lying." Majima said.

Shimano lowered his hand, "Fine. If they're lying, you kill them."


Shimano and the other two guys hastily left the room. Majima knelt beside you as you sobbed, your lip and cheek was swollen and your nose was broken. He picked up a cloth from the cold bucket of water and gently wiped your face.

"Ya fine now. It's alright." He said softly.

You kept crying, trembling, "I'm gonna die! My family will die!"

He saw how terrified you were and he gently hugged you, "I won't let him kill ya."

He soon left the room, quickly returning with a sandwich. He gently fed you as you stared at the floor again, traumatised by the torture you endured. Majima stayed by your side, awaiting a call from Shimano. He didn't want to kill you, he wanted to let you free because you didn't need to be tortured anymore. You kept your eyes fixed on the blood stained floor, mumbling to yourself as you trembled.


You kept mumbling nonsense, barely blinking. He felt awful seeing you traumatised. Normally people in the yakuza would be slightly traumatised but would still be quite normal, whereas you've began to lose yourself. He placed his hand on your shoulder, lifting your chin gently with his other hand so you could look at him. It was like you weren't really there.

"Hey, hey... it's alright..." He said softly.

He unchained you, catching you as you fell to your knees. He held you in his arms, his heart breaking after seeing how awful you were, how traumatised you'd become. He waved his hand in front of your eyes but you didnt react. After cleaning your wounds he bandaged you up then went upstairs, leaving you on the floor as he emptied the bloody water in bucket. He came back with some blankets, wrapping you in them as you lay still on the floor. Majima stayed by you, soon calling Saejima.

"Yo, bro. Apparently the Chinese mafia set them up. So boss actually tortured a citizen..."

"Damn, that's fucked. How'd they get tied into this?" Saejima asked.

"The Chinese stole the money then threatened to kill their family if they didn't take the fall."


"They're fuckin' traumatised." Majima said sadly, "I don't know what to do now. Shimano said if he calls and says it's a lie then I have to kill them. I think he wants them dead regardless."

"What ya gonna do?"

Majima sighed, "I'll take Y/N away from here. I'll take care of them."

"I'll get a car for ya."

"Thanks bro."

Majima gently picked you up and took you out of the basement. He was lucky that not many guys were guarding so he could easily slip out. Saejima arrived in the car and Majima put you in the back before they quickly left. You kept mumbling quietly to yourself, your eyes wide open as you stared into space. Majima sat next to you, holding you close to him.

"This is fucked." Majima said.


"I gotta protect them. I don't care what happens to me, they gotta be safe." Majima kept holding you, gently kissing your forehead.

They arrived at their safe house and quickly got you inside, sighing in relief as they haven't been caught yet. Saejima went to get some food as Majima kept watching over you, sitting you down on the couch.

"Y/N? Ya there?" He asked softly.

You slowly came back to reality, looking at him, "Where.. am I...?"

"Ya safe now. I promise. I'm sorry for hurting ya, boss' orders. It felt awful."

"Am I... gonna die...?"

"No! I'm gonna protect ya no matter what."

You rested your head on his shoulder, "OK.."

He gently kissed your forehead, holding your hand. You was weak and exhausted, finding it difficult to stay awake. Saejima came back with some food and Majima fed you slowly. You ate half of the sandwich before shaking your head slightly, signalling that you were done eating.

"Thank... you..." You mumbled, quickly passing out.

Majima gently lay you on the couch, kissing your forehead before wrapping you in some blankets and putting a comfy pillow under your head. He watched you sleep, feeling angry at Shimano for torturing you...

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