The Untamed Tiger (Majima)

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Description: You were the patriarch of your own family in the Omi Alliance, working quietly in Kansai to become strong and powerful which took years to do. You heard about the Tojo Clan legends: The Dragon of Dojima and The Mad Dog of Shimano. You had been ordered to take them out, doing your research into them and hiding in Kamurocho for the perfect opportunity. However, you had developed a crush on Majima long before the order was made. (Male Reader.)



"Hey boss, how long are ya gonna stay there?" Your right hand man asked over the phone.

"Just a bit longer. They're close. I feel them." You chuckled to yourself, looking out of the window of your small office, watching people pass by.

"I'm surprised nobody's found you yet."

"It's a good job they haven't. I ain't wearing my Omi badge on display so nobody suspects anything. I just look like any ordinary person."

"That's good. What you gonna do when you kill 'em?" He asked.

You chuckled  "Simple. Get promoted, grow our family, become more powerful. Also some trips to the bars! Gotta get shit faced."

"I'm looking forward to it boss. Stay safe, yeah?"

"You too. The boys still making gains?"

"Yeah, the businesses are booming, debt collecting is so easy and we got some protection money coming in from the new cabaret club that recently opened."

"You boys are the best anyone could ask for. Take care of yourself, and them all." You smiled.

"Yes sir!"

You hung up the phone and put it in your pocket, looking over at the backpack on a table. It had some daggers and guns inside which were covered in so anyone who looks in the bag doesn't suspect anything. It was difficult trying to find Kiryu so you targeted Majima instead. You found his favourite place to go to, the batting center, and planted a bomb inside. You doubt it would kill him, but maybe injure a few of his people which should anger him. It was nearby and you could see it lit up. You also skilfully obtained Majima's phone number so you could call him anonymously when the time was right.

Majima and a few of his boys walked inside of the batting center to chill out. You watched, smiling to yourself as Majima hit home runs effortlessly. Unfortunately, he missed one ball, presumably because one of his men was talking since he went to the guy and whacked him in the stomach with the metal bat, yelling something at him before going back inside the cage. The guy stumbled towards the back of the batting center as if he was going to guard the door. Perfect. You hastily pressed a button which caused the bomb to go off, blasting that guy to pieces.

Majima ran over and gripped his bat angrily, quickly looking around. The other guy started crying in fear. Now! You quickly dialed Majima's phone, smirking. He picked up.

"Who's this?"

"None of your concern, mad dog. You wanna settle this shit? Meet me on the roof of Millennium Tower. No reinforcements from either of us. Understood?" You chuckled.

"You fuckin' asshole! You'll pay for this!" Majima growled angrily.

"Oh, I do apologise. If you're not interested in getting... vengeance... then I'll simply leave the city never to be seen again. Would your poor boy be happy with that?" You smirked.

"I'll meet ya up there and wipe that fuckin' smirk off ya face, prick! Prepare yerself, yer gonna die!"

You laughed, "We shall see Majima." You hung up.

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