I Don't Want Anything from You!

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Everyone is sitting down for dinner. This will be the first time since before Porsche and Porchay's parents passed that the family was actually sitting down for a meal together. Kinn is trying to bridge the gap that has broken this family apart. He would like a good relationship with his cousins, and he is worried about Porchay. He secretly spoke with Khun about his conversation with Chay the other day. Khun said he was already aware of what was troubling Chay, which is why he sent his Top to him. Kinn is very thankful for his crazy brother, who always seems to know when someone needs something. Kinn looks around the table and sighs. There is one person missing, he could have sworn he told him to be at dinner. He is getting increasingly worried about his younger brother Kim. Especially since it was announced that Wik was taking a break from music. His brother loves music and his Wik persona.

Kim comes in and apologizes for being late. Kinn just looks at him and sighs. Khun on the other hand does not know how to keep his mouth shut.

Khun: Geez brother, you look like shit.

Kim: Nice to see you too.

Kinn: Please sit so we can get started. I have something to say.

Kim: You could have started without me. Not like I want to be here anyway.

Korn: Sit down Kim!

Chay just looks at Kim thinking he is the reason he does not want to be at dinner. Oh well, he will hold back his tears until after dinner. Then he will go to his room and cry in the shower like he does every night. Everyone started eating and Kinn got up and said he had some announcements to make.

Kinn: I would like to congratulate our two university students. Macau congratulations on getting into the Faculty of Engineering and Chay congratulations on getting into the Faculty of Music.

Porsche: Wait, the notices are out already? Chay, how come you did not tell me?

Kinn: No, the notices are not out. I got a call from the University Facilitator asking me if Macau would need a dorm room since he could not get a hold of Vegas. I told him he would be staying in the Theerapanyakul dorm suite and then I asked him about Chay, and he said he was placed in a dorm already, I told him to move him to the suite as well. I also got you both keycards to enter the suite. You will need these. Vegas, I found yours in my drawer, so I am giving it back to you. This way if they need anything you or Pete can help.

Vegas looked confused but accepted the keycard from Kinn.

Khun: My babies are all growing up and leaving me. Oh Chay, do not forget about me.

Top: Khun calm down, they are only going to university.

Khun: But Chay, he always watches series with me.

Top: Khun calm down now.

Khun: Why? No one else is upset with me.

Top: Khun, please act like you are my boyfriend.

Khun: Sorry, everyone, I get excited at times.

Porsche leans over and whispers into Kinn's ear, "Has that ever happened before?" Kinn whispers back, "Nope, Top seems to know how to tone him down."

Korn: So, boys, you will be rooming together. I expect no fights between you. You also need to respect each other. Each of you will have your own room, own bathroom, and own study area. You will share the kitchen and sitting area where you can invite friends over. There is one other room available. If you would like to loan it to a mutual friend, that is fine with me, but Porsche, Kinn, & Vegas need to agree as well. This is for your protection as well as the family's protection.

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