Chapter one: Moment alone together

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Another day, another night in the 3D world. That's just how it goes. Poip and his un-named Bambi minion siblings were messing around outside of the Chaos Gods house, playing around in the front of the large house as Bandu watched them from the front porch. He heard the door open, turning his head to find his older sibling exiting the house and stands next to him. "Hey, Expunged!" Bandu says happily as he looked up at her and smiled excitingly. Expunged just rolled her eyes in annoyance and walks away, grabbing Piop by the shirt collar and dragging him back in the house. "Oh come on, mom!!" One of the minions yelled at her as the Chaos God and Poip entered the house. They enter the kitchen and the little minion was set on the counter, sitting down on it. "I know you were in here last night and broke the window," Expunged had annoyance in her voice, "You and your siblings were in here. Weren't you?" Poip looked away from her before slowly looking up at her. He knew how she was if someone didn't answer her question or if no one told her the truth. Not wanting to get yelled at, he nodded slowly, "Yes. Me and my siblings were here. But I was trying to k-" she slammed a hand on the counter hard. "I don't wanna hear no fucking excuses from you! You always cause nothing but trouble and Bandu has to protect your little ass EVERY S-" "Mi amor?" They heard someone say, both of them turning their heads to find Bendu standing there in complete confusion. "Is everything alright?" Expunged looks at Poip and sighs heavily. "Just go to your room. And take your siblings along with you...!" The Bambi minion swallows before jumping onto the ground and running outside, leaving his mother and step father alone. They look at each other for a few seconds before Expunged cuts off the silence. "Nothing you don't need to worry about," the Chaos God says once she calmed down. "Also, did my brother let you in?" The Mexican smiled brightly and laughed like if he was saying a really stupid joke, "Bandu told me you weren't feeling so well. So, he called me to come over to check up on you to see if you're doing alright." Expunged didn't want to admit it, but she needed him to be by her side. Yet, she needed him right now. She looks away for a minute before looking back at him, saying, "It's just that there's a lot of things to deal with. But I don't want to deal with them alone.." Bendu walks up to her and lifts her head up gently so they can face each other. He can tell if something was bothering her, or if she felt anxious about something and she couldn't tell anyone other than him. Bendu loved Expunged very much; he would spend every moment with her, stay by her side and protect her. Keep her company in any kind of way. But if they were separated, they would message each other and call one another on video call and have chats about random stuff that's on their minds. He smiled gently before kissing her on her forehead, "You know you can tell me what's going on. You know I won't judge at all, mi amor." "I know that part, but..." Expunged looks away from him. "Sometimes, I try to tell you something but I just can't. I don't fucking know why, Bendu. I just don't!" They heard the front door open as Poip and his siblings entered the house and go straight upstairs, Bandu following after them before closing the door and locking it. "You know what's so weird about having so many nephews or nieces?" The younger Chaos God wondered, having a look that meant he really needed the answer once he walks towards Bendu and Expunged. "Bandu, me and your sister are talking here," Bendu explained, but Bandu rolled his eyes playfully at him. "Then go to the room if you guys are gonna talk privately. Besides, I don't need to know what you're talking about!" Expunged stood quiet, having a silent moment to herself. She grabs the Mexican by the hand and makes him follow her to her room before closing the door and sitting on her bed. "Expunged, what's wrong?" Bendu was worried now, sitting next to her on the side of the bed. She didn't look at him at all, she would block out everything around her and only focus on herself . Out of nowhere, she felt the man next to her pull her really close and hug her tightly. "B-Bendu...?" Expunged looks up at him in confusion, feeling her face heat up a little. "Tell me what's wrong... please, I need to know," the man had a worrying tone in his voice as they look into each others eyes. She needed him. But how was she supposed to tell him how she was truly feeling? She didn't know what these new emotions were. Was it being nervous? Anxious? Scared? No. She couldn't be feeling any of those. Can she? "I honestly don't know how to feel anymore..." Expunged finally said. "But whenever I'm with you, you always know how to make me feel better." She smiled gently as she slowly calmed down. Bendu gave her a peck on the cheek and looked at her in the eyes. "You just want me to stay here, ey?" Expunged quickly nodded before getting on top of him and quickly connecting lips with him. This surprised the man under her, pushing her tongue into his mouth before he kisses her back, picking himself up and holding her onto his lap. After a few minutes, they disconnect lips, looking at one another in the eyes lovingly. "I wanna be with you every moment, Bendu. I don't fucking care," the Chaos God said as she felt his hand hold onto her waist and their bodies touched. The Mexican smirked a little, "I know you do. I wanna give you everything you want. Whatever you need, I'll give it to you. Or you can just do it. It really depends." They stare into each others eyes like if their souls were connecting. Expunged smiled at him, not with her creepy, usual smile, but a normal smile. She kisses him on the forehead before looking at him once more. "How about I take you out? Sounds nice?" Bendu questions her. The Chaos God rolled her eyes playfully at him, "Why would I say no to that?"

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