Chapter seven: Moment with Dahlia

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"Can I hold her? Please?!?!" Bandu kept begging Expunged who held Dahlia close to her chest. Days passed ever since Dahlia was born, and Bandu was bugging his sibling the entire time. Even when they went back home, Bandu still annoyed her. Expunged sighed heavily, "Bandu, I told you no! I don't wanna repeat myself again....!" The younger Chaos God eventually gave up and goes up to Cameo. "Does he keep bothering you to hold her?" Expunged turned her head to find Bendu standing behind to couch, leaning his arms on it. He sat next to her and wraps an arm around her shoulder. "Ever since he saw the baby he started begging me to hold her," she answered, sounding really exhausted. "I'm only allowing you because number one: you're the father. And number two: I put my complete trust in you." "Can I hold her now? Because you let me hold her when you gave birth to her," Bendu says. She looks at the Mexican for a few seconds before slowly passing Dahlia to him. He carefully grabs his daughter and holds her close, looking at her as she slept quietly in his arms, screaming on the inside due to the cuteness. "She's so adorable...." Bendu smiled at Expunged who just watched him hold the baby girl. After what felt like an hour, Dahlia slowly wakes up, her vision a bit blurry as she looked around before noticing both her mother and father. Bendu squealed from happiness, "Oh my god....! She opened her eyes.....!" The Chaos god laughed a bit, "I can see that. She opened her eyes before but you didn't even notice it." The Mexican didn't care if his daughter opened her eyes for the first time, he was happy that he was a father, he wanted to hold her close and protect her no matter what happened. He wanted to become the best father Dahlia ever had. Expunged rolls her eyes, "Alright, I'm letting you hold her for some time, okay?" When she said that, Bendu quickly nodded, feeling more joy fill up his body. "I'll do it!" He quickly agreed, while Dahlia looked at Expunged while she was held by her father. As Bendu got up, Dahlia began to whimper a bit and began struggling. "Bendu, don't move so quickly!" Expunged warned him as she noticed her daughter. The Mexican gave her a confused look before realizing what she meant, slowly moving upwards and holding her close. He slowly walked away, but this made it worse for her as she kept on struggling in his arms. "Okay, okay. You wanna go down?" Bendu looked at her as he put her down, but then remembered she couldn't crawl yet. He quickly picked her up and put her on the couch. "Aw, come here..." Expunged gently picks her up slowly and puts her on her lap, allowing the baby to hold her finger. Bendu felt betrayed by her own daughter, "I can't believe she likes you more than me! No fair!" He pouts and walks to their room. The Chaos God rolls her eyes, "Dummy. Your daddy is lucky that I love him." Dahlia just simply looked up at her with innocent eyes as she kept holding her finger. Bandu enters the living room with Cameo, noticing the small child. Cameo walks up to the couch and sits next to them. "She looks just like you," the man says suddenly, "but Bandu keeps complaining to me about you not letting him hold Dahlia." The Chaos God scoffed, "He won't stop until he gets his chance. But I'm not allowing him to because he's clumsy and if he drops my child I'm gonna kill him. Literally!" "Heyyy! That's not even fair!" Bandu called out suddenly, making Dahlia jump a bit in surprise. Expunged just simply sighed and ignored him, "I'm not here~ Also, do me a favor and watch Dahlia for me. I'm gonna talk to Bendu real quick." She put the child on the couch and got up, her legs a bit numb from the birth days ago. "Make sure Bandu doesn't try to grab her or anything." Before walking away, Expunged bends down to face her daughter, "I'll be back, I promise, baby." With that, she walks to her and Bendu's room. Dahlia felt fear build up in her body, she whimpered a bit as a few tears appeared in her eyes. Cameo noticed this and picked her up, putting her on top of his chest and gently rubbing her small back. "Okay, relax.... Mommy will be right back.." he soothingly said as he kept her close. She looks at him with teary eyes, listening to how he sounded so calm and gentle, and slowly calmed down but still let the tears fall down. He smiled a little, whispering more soothing words to her. "How are you allowed to hold her but not me?!" Cameo heard his boyfriend say, sitting on the couch next to them. "Because Expunged told me you were clumsy and you might drop Dahlia," Cameo answered as he wiped the tears away from her cheeks. Bandu felt a bit jealous from this. But he refused to argue. He knew his sister was right about that, but if he can prove her wrong, maybe she'll allow him to carry his niece. He sat a bit closer to them, "Well, let me hold her for a little bit, please!" "No. She doesn't want me to let you," the man said, his voice was calm, but his face was different, like if he was a bit annoyed. Bandu quickly noticed this and became quiet. Dahlia watched both of her uncles without any expression, gripping Cameo's shirt with her tiny hand. "Fine!" The man says in defeat, the fur on his tail puffing upwards, "but at some point i'm gonna hold Dahlia..!" Out of nowhere, he felt a small hand touch his tail, realizing it was Dahlia's. Cameo smiled, "Looks like someone likes your tail, Bandu." She kept a hold onto his tail and gripping it slightly, but it didn't hurt Bandu at all. Instead, the half-furry smiled playfully and turned around, letting her pet his tail and play around with it. They heard the door open, and Expunged and Bendu exit the room. "The heck is going on here?" Bendu says as him and the taller Chaos God stood there watching Dahlia play with Bandu's tail. "Nothing much going on. Also, your voice sounds different, Bendu," Bandu pointed out. The Mexican sighed, "We had a tiny argument. But we made up." "Not THAT kind of argument....!" Expunged finishes off in a sarcastic way as she walks towards the couch and carefully picks up Dahlia, pulling her close. "I told you I would be back." She told the baby as she held her close. Dahlia looks at her in the eyes and placed both of her small hands on her mothers cheeks, and Bendu just watched in a adored way. "Just look at her- oh my god!" Bendu squealed, taking a picture of the moment. Meanwhile Cameo and Bandu are on the couch watching the entire moment happen.

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