Chapter six: The child is born

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"Okay, so... this month is almost halfway done. And now, we only have a few more days until the baby is born," Bendu explains to Bandu and Cameo who were staying over at their house for the week, due to their house being repaired. (Blame Bandu for burning down the house, they might stay in their house for more than a week 😒) Anyways, back to the story! Cameo studied the calendar before looking back at the Mexican. "When's the due date for Expunged?" The man says before looking at the calendar again. Bandu grabs the blue marker and circles the 16th of August, thinking that was the birthdate. "Bandu," Bendu grabs the marker from him and crosses it out. "That's not even the date." "But what if it is?!" He says suddenly as his tail wags side to side. "I mean, didn't the doctor tell you that's the due date for the baby?" Bendu looks to the side, then looking back at him, "No. The due date is this month, but the baby is supposed to be born in just two days." He took out his phone to check the date. "It's the 7th of August today. So that would mean Expunged would give birth on the 9th," he quickly explained as he fixed his sombrero. Bandu walked towards the door before looking back, saying, "I'm gonna look for her to see if she's alright. She's a bit too quiet at this point..." The other men nodded and continued talking to each other, and Bandu walks away.

He checked the rooms, upstairs, the attic. Everywhere. But had no luck of finding the Chaos God. But that wasn't until there was one specific room he hadn't checked. "The bathroom!" Bandu quickly remembered and headed straight for the room that was just around the corner of the hallway. The door to the bathroom was a bit open, the light shining onto the other wall. "Expunged, are you in here-?" The younger Chaos God slowly opened the door and gasped loudly to find her laying on the floor. She held onto her large stomach that was swollen, her breathing was fast and harsh, tears streaming down her face slowly. There was also blood coming out of her pants. "B-Bandu....?" Expunged looked up at him weakly, she couldn't get another word out. "BENDU! CAMEO!!" Bandu quickly called out to them, going up to his older sister and grabbed her hands before hugging her, "Expunged, stay with me!!" The taller Chaos God felt her vision become blurry, looking up to find two figures entering the bathroom. "Bendu, we need to get her to a hospital, right away!" Cameo says as him and Bandu carefully picked her up and dragged her towards the front door. Bendu quickly opens the front door and presses a button that allows the back doors and passenger door to open. "Put her in the passenger seat now!" Bendu said, both of the other men sit her in the seat and buckle her up before getting into the back seats and buckling themselves, along with Bendu who got into the drivers seat and started the car. 

Expunged can hear people talking, a heart monitor beeping, and other things around her. She slowly opened her eyes to find herself in a hospital room. "Ah, you're awake!" She looked around to find a doctor standing there with a clipboard in her hands. "That's a good sign. And a good relief, too." The Chaos Good felt like throwing up, her vision clearing up before speaking, "What the fuck happened....?" The doctor gave her a calm look. "Well, three people brought you in here because you were bleeding in your uterus. You weren't on your period, though. You might be giving birth in a hour or so." She explained to her carefully, giving her every detail possible before they both heard the door open, revealing Bendu who had a worried look on his face. "You must be the one that brought her in," the doctor says once he looked at her. The Mexican nodded before going up to the bed and hugging Expunged closely. "Mi amor, I thought I was gonna lose you!" Bendu says once they connect lips. Expunged looks up at him worriedly, "Baby, I'm right here... I'm so sorry you had to see me in that condition..." The way she said that sentence, broke Bendu's heart. It was like this was her last breath, or even her last sentence before dying in his arms. "I'll give both of you a moment alone," the doctor says before walking out of the room and closing the door behind her. They looked into one another's eyes lovingly before connecting lips once more. After about two minutes or so, they disconnect lips. "I'm right here. You don't need to w-" before she can finish her sentence, she felt a rough kick in her stomach, causing her to yell out in pain and arch her back. Bendu went towards the door and called for the doctors and nurses, going back to his girlfriend and holding her close. "Alright sir, you're gonna have to leave for this," the male nurse said, trying to grab the Mexican and get him out of the room. Expunged held onto him close, "I need him, please!" "Just let me help her..." Bendu begged. The nurse sighed, "Fine. But looks like your child wants to come two days before the due date.." he muttered before going to the front of the bed and spreading Expunged's legs open. "Just breathe, alright? I'm gonna be here for you the entire time.." the Mexican says, looking into her eyes and rubbing her stomach carefully. 

It felt like twelve hours had passed, but really it was just three hours. Expunged pushed every time she felt like pushing or the nurses and doctors told her to do so. She screamed painfully as she gripped Bendu's hand and the hospital bedside rail. "Alright, now breathe," the nurse told her. The Chaos God was breathing heavily from the amount of pushing, whimpering softly as tears ran down her cheeks. "I-I can't do this....! I just can't..." Expunged stutters a bit as she laid her head back onto the pillow. Bendu wipes some of the sweat off of her forehead and says, "Mi amor, please. I don't want to see you in pain like this anymore. Just please, do it and get it done and over with." She looked up at him before looking at the nurse, breathing a bit normally. "Alright, fine." Expunged says, getting ready for the worse. The nurse nodded and put his gloved hands under her vagina. "On my count, cause this time I need you to push as hard as you can, alright?" He told her. "One... two... three. Push now!" Once he said that command, the Chaos god pushed as hard as she could, screaming in pain so loud to the point she almost broke the lights, gripping Bendu's hand harder than before and pushing harder than the first pushes she had already done. Bendu tried pulling his hand away, making faces that his hand felt like it was gonna break and screaming silently. After what felt like five hours, the couple heard crying coming from their newborn child. "Congratulations, it's a girl," the nurse said as a doctor helped wrap up the baby in a small blanket. Both Bendu and Expunged looked at their child happily; Expunged felt her breathing go down slowly, she felt like she wanted to faint as her vision cleared again from the tears. "See?" Bendu says as he gave Expunged a proud look, "I told you that you can do it and get done and over with. You did good, babe. I'm proud of you." After a minute of relaxing herself, she was given her baby and held her close, their daughter slowly stopped crying as she felt her mother for the very first time after being inside of Expunged's stomach for nine months. Both of them waited for this moment for so long that it finally arrived. "Maybe being a parent won't be so bad, after all...." The Chaos God says quietly as she looked down at their daughter who was breathing silently and calmly now. "But what are we gonna call her?" Bendu looks to the side, trying to come up with the perfect name for her. Finally, he smiled and looked at the baby girl. "What do you think of the name Dahlia?" The Mexican wondered and looks Expunged in the eyes. She nodded, "Then that will be her name. Dahlia...."

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