Chapter ten: Meeting up with someone familiar

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Years have passed and two new girls have been born: the first one named Denise, and the second one named Xeena. (Yes, this is a name. Now get used to it). Denise was younger than Dahlia, making Xeena the youngest of their sibling group. "I have an idea, Expunged," Bendu says as he held the Chaos God close. They were on the porch watching their youngest daughter play on the small swing and mess around with it. Their two other daughters were currently at school. Expunged looked up at him in confusion, "And what would your idea be? It better not be stupid or dumb." The Mexican smiled, "I was thinking of introducing our children to our friends. Thought it might be a really good idea." She thought about this for a second, looking to the side for another minute. She sighed, "Alright, fine. Xeena!" "Coming!" The little girl called out, letting the swing go and running up to her parents. Expunged crouched down so they can face each other. "Look, me and your father want you and your sisters to meet some friends of ours. So, what your father is gonna do is he's gonna go and pick up your sisters once they come out of school. Right, Bendu?" The Chaos God looks at Bendu seriously, making the taller man feel shivers run down his spine. He quickly nodded, knowing that she meant it. "Y-Yeah! I'm gonna do that once they come out..!" He stuttered, and Expunged found it quite adorable. Xeena stuck her tongue at them in disgust before she felt Bendu pick her up. "I'm stealing our daughter for some time, mi amor!" The Mexican held their youngest daughter close and teleported inside the house. This caught her off guard, rolling her eyes and teleporting after them. 

Once the day was over, Dahlia and Denise meet up by a tree and go under the shade. "I really don't like the other students. Even the teachers, Dahlia," the younger girl told her sister in a tired tone. Her eldest sister sighed heavily, "I can tell. Don't worry, we'll be done with school in no time! Well, you know what I mean. Right?" As both of them were talking, Bendu teleports on the grass, a random kid almost running into him. He notices a tree, finding both of his children standing in the shade. "Oh look. Hi dad!" Dahlia called out to him and ran towards him, Denise following after. The man chuckled, letting them hug him, "Hey kiddos! Did both of you have a good day? Cause if not, I'm gonna beat up whoever made your day horrible!" Both of the girls looked at each other like if they agreed on something an hour ago. "Nope. Everything is just fine," Denise lied. Her father didn't notice nor hear how her voice sounded a bit different. Dahlia nodded, "Yeah. Nothing bad happened, dad. So you don't need to worry about us." Bendu smiled a bit. "Look, both of you," he looked down at both of them, "I have to worry for the both of you and your sister. Just letting you know now anything bad could happen. No matter in school or in the neighborhood. Me and your mother have to be there to keep you three safe until you're all old enough to look out for yourselves." The girls exchanged looks once again before looking back at their father, nodding. "Just letting you both know, alright?" The Mexican says, holding both of their hands and teleporting to the house.

"Just keep walking ahead! Not to far, though!" Expunged called after the girls who were running and chasing each other as Expunged and Bendu walked behind them. They were walking down a path that led to a park, the wind passing through the still trees and moving the leaves carefully. "Taking care of three children is hard.." the Mexican said as both of them held hands together. The Chaos God smiled and kissed him on the cheek, surprising him. "Yeah, it is. But just wait until they grow up." "But I don't want them to grow up!!!" Bendu said dramatically, loud enough for their daughters to hear. She rolled her eyes, "Babe, you know they can't st-." Before she can finish her sentence, they heard someone yelling, turning their heads to find a Xeena getting yelled at by a man who wore some kind of samurai clothing. "HEY!" The chaos God yelled out, teleporting up to them. "Who the fuck do you think you are yelling at my kids, Bamburai?!" Her daughters quickly went behind her. Bamburai scoffed, "Oh please! One of those kids ran into my son, for the love of fucking god!" Bendu looked at him confused, "Wait. You have a son?" The other man breathed out heavily while a teenager came out from behind him. The young teen had the same kind of clothing Bamburai was wearing, he also had some kind of sword on his back, and he was wearing a scarf around his neck. "It's not my fault they ran into me, dad. They weren't even looking!" The boy said, but his father looked at him in the corner of his eyes. Dahlia went in between them, "Mom, it wasn't even their fault!" "I don't wanna hear no excuses at all!" Expunged yelled a bit, her tail appearing behind her. Bendu pulled their daughter close and stood them by the side. "Stay right here," the Mexican said sternly giving them a serious look before walking towards his girlfriend. "Whirlbi, wait over there. Don't even try anything while I'm busy...!" Bamburai looked at him coldly, making the boy nod and stand next to Dahlia, Denise and Xeena. As they were watching Expunged and Bamburai  from a distance, Whirlbii looked at the girls from the corner of his eyes. Denise noticed him, but they didn't break eye contact at all. Instead, they just waved at each other. Maybe they could try and talk without their parents attention. Of course Expunged and Bamburai aren't gonna notice! They're to busy arguing! Denise walks up to him and smiles in a friendly way. "I'm sorry that we bumped into you," she apologized as she felt a bit guilty. Whirlbi just smiled back, feeling his face heat up from embarrassment, "I know. It wasn't your fault. Besides, you and those two need to pay more attention next time. You don't know what you're gonna run into. Whirlbi's my name." The young Mexican laughed gently, smiling brightly. "My name is Denise. That's my eldest sister, Dahlia. And that's our little sister, Xeena." She answered. Maybe this guy won't be so bad after all. Even if his father sounded and looked strict around him.

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