Chapter two: Ice skating

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The ice rank wasn't that huge, but Expunged noticed there was MANY people here. Yet, she didn't have social anxiety nor didn't mind the amount of people. It was that she didn't know how to skate. Her and Bendu sat on one of the benches while they put on their ice skating shoes. "Have you ever went ice skating before, love?" The Mexican wondered, Expunged just shook her head no. He snickered, "Don't worry. I can help you with that. No time, you'll be really good, I just know it!" He sounded excited as he got up without a problem. The Chaos God wondered how long he went ice skating for, struggling to get up and stand still before she felt her partner help her up. They walk to the rim of the ice skating area, and Bendu steps on the ice by placing one foot on the still ice. "I'm not so sure about this, Bendu. Are you sure this is safe?" Expunged asks in caution as Bendu grabs her and holds onto the wall with one hand. "Of course! Now, slowly put one foot on the ice and grab onto the wall carefully," the taller man says. She looks at the ice closely, breathing slowly before putting a foot down on the ice and grabbing onto the wall. She slipped, but was quickly saved by her boyfriend who quickly grabbed her. "I thought I was gonna break my head...!" Expunged exclaims worriedly, holding onto Bendu closely. Bendu lifts her up and stands her up straight. "Don't worry. I'm right here to help you with this," he quickly said as he held her close, "I'm gonna make sure you get this right!"

Expunged kept on slipping, falling multiple times but couldn't get it. She didn't give up, though. After a few more attempts, she slowly started skating, moving one leg behind the other as she was moving forward slowly pace by pace. Bendu was proud of not only his girlfriend, but proud of himself for being a teacher and teaching her how to skate, having happy tears appear in the side of his eyes. "Oh lord, are you crying?" Expunged quickly noticed this and quickly moved in front of him, grabbing his shoulders for balance. The Mexican nodded, sniffing dramatically, "Yes..... I'm proud of myself for teaching you how to skate for the first time, baby." "Oh, get outta here!" Bendu quickly hugs his girlfriend before she can even skate away, causing both of them to fall onto the ice. People avoided them carefully as they skated around the couple. "My fucking butt hurts now!!" The Mexican complains as the both quickly got up. "¡Por el amor de Dios!" "Would you stop your complaining...?!" Expunged says in annoyance, causing him the shut up and look at her in the eyes. He smiled and grabbed her hands, wrapping her arms around his  waist. "But you know I'm gonna complain about a lot of stuff!!" She never MINDED him complaining. On the other hand, it would quickly become very annoying for people. Especially for Expunged. Better yet, she didn't blame him for that. She kissed him on the cheek, "Shut the hell up, you handsome guy." Without hesitation, she skates away from him, leaving Bendu alone in the center while other people were skating around him. Bendu sighs in annoyance and skates after her, "Hey! Get back here, right now!" Expunged just smirked at him and gets off of the ice, holding onto the wall for support, Bendu followed after her. "Who's the slow one now~?" The Chaos God said teasingly. "You didn't play fair at all," the Mexican complained again as he sat on the bench both of them were sitting on earlier and pouts, crossing his arms like a child would. Expunged rolled her eyes and sat next to him, "You wanna go home, don't you?" When Bendu heard her ask him that, he quickly looks up at her in the eyes. "Yes, yes, yes I do wanna go home!!!" He answered, quickly getting up and getting their shoes and coming back with both pairs in his hands. 

Once they both arrive home, they head straight to Expunged's room. "So," Bendu began once he was laying on the bed, "How does it feel to skate for your first time in all of your 34 years of life?" Expunged lays on her side of the bed, laying on her side and facing him. She smiled at him, "My parents never took me and Bandu roller or ice skating ever. So, pretty much this is my first time."  The tall man pulls her close until their bodies were touching, he gently kissed her neck, causing the shorter being to whimper a little before pulling back. "I'll make sure we go out more often. I promise you, mi amor~"

(This was short, but I completed it! Anyways, hope y'all enjoyed this.)

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