Chapter three: The bathroom stall (NSFW)

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"Okay, we just need to buy a few things before we go, alright?" Bendu and Expunged were in 3D-mart shopping. The Mexican had created a list of things they needed to buy. "Bendu, I'm gonna go to the bathroom, real quick..." Expunged said, earning a nod from the man. "I'll wait for you over there," Bendu quickly said as he pointed at a bench and headed towards it. She quickly walked away and entered the bathroom, entering the last stall and closing the door behind her before locking it. The last stall in the family bathroom was big enough to fit about three people in total, having marble walls and a steel toilet with a lid (it's a bathroom and toilet, what do you expect?). She quickly took off her shirt to find her chest covered in sweat, feeling how hot she was. How long was she sweating for? Her bladder was empty, so then what could it be? Grabbing a few paper toilets, she wiped her chest and threw the sweat covered paper toilets in the toilet before flushing them down. Putting her shirt back on she felt her lower area burn and her small nipples becoming hard. "Fuck..." Expunged muttered to herself as she took off her pants before sitting on the toilet. She felt her clit become hard, her breathing became raspy from  the amount of heat emanating from her own body. Expunged pulls down her underwear with a sigh and moves her hand onto the hard bump. Without hesitation, she begins rubbing it at a slow but certain pace, whimpering from the amount of pleasure she was giving herself. Rubbing her clit she felt shivers run down her spine, groaning and whimpering before letting out a silent moan.  "Fuck, I can't do this alone...!" She took out her phone and messages Bendu.

Expunged: Bendu, come to the family bathroom stall. Last one on the right. NOW!!!!

After what felt like an hour, she heard the door open and heard footsteps approaching the door that was locked. "Mi amor? Open the door," Bendu called out. Expunged quickly opens the door and allows him to enter. He notices she was sweating a lot before looking at her dripping wet vagina, blush appeared on his face. "I didn't need to explain," the Chaos God said, "Just help me with this...!" "I didn't bring any condoms, though..." the Mexican muttered a bit. Expunged felt her heart race, but was quickly becoming impatient. "I don't fucking care about any condoms! I don't care if I get pregnant or not, I just want to get this done and over with!!" Once she said that, he unzips his pants and takes it off along with his boxers, going up to his girlfriend and picking her up, wrapping her legs around his waist. "Well, if you don't care about any condoms or getting pregnant, then I guess I can fuck you in here all I want, mi amor~" Bendu said seductively  and pinned her on the wall. He jerked himself off as precum left the tip of his dick, rubbing the substance all over his dick. "But are you sure you wanna do this now instead of waiting to go to the house?" He questioned her, but she couldn't wait any longer at all. Expunged wanted to feel him already, she wanted his dick inside of her and no one else other than him. She didn't care if she became a mother on their first time having sexual intercourse. Expunged kissed him deeply and grabbed his dick, lowering herself onto his dick, feeling the tip enter her vagina. Bendu felt horny and forced himself all the way in, causing both of them to moan loudly, not caring if there was anyone else in the other stalls. The Mexican starts thrusting into her, gripping on her waist and hips as he bit her neck. "Holy s-shit, Bendu!" The Chaos God moans loudly, throwing her head back. Her boyfriend smirks and whispers into her ear, "I wanted to wait until we got home so you can ride my dick like the little whore you are. But no~ You wanted to wait until now~" Once he said that, she kisses him deeply, sticking her tongue into his mouth and squeezing one of his nipples. Bendu groaned, squeezing one of Expunged's ass cheeks and causing her to moan into the kiss. He then ruts his hips inside of her harder, showing a sign of dominance, shoving his dick deeper in her. They disconnect lips and look at each other lovingly. "Want a child, huh? I'll give you one~" the Mexican licks her neck as he kept ramming into her while holding her hips, using his free hand to touch her clit and rub it at a fast pace. This sent shivers down Expunged's spine, stuffing her head into his shoulder and moaning out his name caused him to become 10 times more horny. He pulls out of her and makes her face the wall, slamming into her and forcing his dick inside of her vagina again, leaning on her back and biting her shoulder before ramming into her again. The Chaos God felt tears form in the corner of her eyes. Expunged cried out loud, stuffing her head into her arms as her breathing was increasing rapidly. After a few minutes of thrusting into her, Bendu slows down a bit, whispering into her ear, "Tell me how much you wanted this. Tell me how bad you wanted my dick inside of you. Go on, don't be shy about it~" "PLEASE!! Fuck me so hard that I won't be able to walk for almost two weeks! Fuck me to the point where you get me pregnant with your children! I wanna be dominated by you, no matter what! I wanna get fucked by you so hard to the point I lose myself towards you!" The Mexican snickers and thrusts into her again, his dick releasing precum inside of her vagina. The Chaos God yelled out in pure bliss as she threw her head back. Bendu grips one of her small breasts and squeezes them, "You're such a slut for me, darling. I love you to fucking much~" Expunged looks at him in the corner of her eyes and smiles gently at him before she felt his dick hit her G-spot, yelping in response. "B-Bendu, I'm close...!" She moaned out, feeling her boyfriend fuck her harder, letting her know that he was close to ejaculating. The Mexican gritted his teeth before biting the Chaos God on the shoulder and thrusting into her a few more times before releasing all of his cum deep inside of her, causing both of them to moan out loud. Both of them stayed in that position for a few minutes before Bendu pulls out of Expunged, cum dripping from her vagina hole that was bruised and red. "Fuck... we should've waited until we got home...." Expunged laughed a little once the couple put on their clothing and walk out of the family bathroom. Bendu holds her close and wraps her arm around his shoulder, "I told you. But you wanted it now because you were horny for me. Come on, I'll pay for the stuff and when we get home we can take showers and relax in the bed." With that, he pays for the stuff and they head straight home after that.

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