Chapter eight: it was an accident...

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One night, while everyone was asleep, Dahlia woke up in her crib to find that she's all alone. She grabs her blanket as a protective shield and began to whimper a bit, her breathing increased as tears appeared in the corner of her eyes. Without no response, her crying slowly got louder, gripping onto the small sheet. Bandu woke up to the sound of crying, realizing that his niece had woken up. He looked at Cameo who was sleeping quietly, getting off the bed and walking towards the nursery room. 'I know I shouldn't be doing this, but this is my chance to prove myself worthy of holding her!' Bandu thought to himself once he entered the room and walked towards the crib. Dahlia whimpered and kept crying loudly, her body shaking a lot. The young Chaos God looked down at her and gently placed his hand on her cheek. "Shhh... I'm here sweetheart." Bandu said quietly, slowly lifting her up and carefully holding her close to his chest. The child felt her uncle hold her, slowly looking up at him through teary eyes, and gripping his pajama shirt. Bandu didn't notice that she dropped her blanket, he rocked her in his arms and stepping on it. He fell, using his power to keep himself from falling. But that's when he heard a crack of a bone. He quickly got up to find Dahlia cold on the floor, a little puddle of blood rushing out of her head. "Oh fucking shit..! Dahlia?!" Bandu picked her up, holding her close and grabbing a napkin and putting it on the spot. "Expunged is gonna kill me.....!" He didn't know what to do. If Bendu, or even Expunged saw any blood on the floor or saw a mark on her head, they would know it was Bandu who caused it. He teleported to the hospital and quickly went up to one of the doctors. One of the doctors noticed them and quickly ran up to them. "What happened?!" He questioned as they went to one of the rooms. Bandu didn't know how to explain it. He was scared that if he told the doctor, then his sister and her boyfriend would find out. "I was trying to calm her down but I tripped and dropped her. Now she isn't breathing!" "Don't worry, we'll take care of this...!" He grabbed Dahlia and took her to a certain room, a few nurses rushing in. 

"Bandu?" Cameo woke up to find his partner gone. He got up and exited the room. He checked every room (other than Expunged and Bendu's room) before finally checking the nursery room. "Bandu, are you in-" he stepped in, but felt something wet under his foot, lifting it up to find a small puddle of blood. He gasped before realizing something, "Oh, don't tell me....!" He exited the room and enters the other bedroom. "Bendu, Expunged. Wake the hell up!" Cameo yelled loud enough that it woke both of them up. "What the fuck do you want? And why are you yelling at us like that?!" Expunged yelled at the man. Bendu moaned tiredly, "God damnit, it's 4 in the fucking morning.....!" Cameo breathed out deeply, "I was looking for Bandu because he wasn't sleeping. So, when I went to the nursery room to see if he was there, I found a small drop of blood on the floor." Bendu seemed confused about this, but Expunged realized what he was talking about. She got up and teleported into the nursery room, the other men followed after her. "Mi amor.... Did Bandu...?" The Mexican questioned the Chaos God once he noticed the blood on the ground. She stood there frozen on the spot. Her breathing increasing rapidly, and she formed fists with her hands. "I'm gonna FUCKING MURDER THAT LITTLE SON OF A BITCH!!!!" She felt herself turn into her true form, her long, slick tail  almost hitting Cameo in the stomach. "Expunged, calm down!!" Bendu yelled, but it didn't help much. She grabbed both of them and teleported to the hospital. (Don't worry, they changed clothes). They appear in a hallway where Bandu was in, along with a nurse talking to him. "Expunged relax yourself!!!" Bendu held her back with Cameo as they try to stop her from trying to kill Bandu. The younger Chaos God quickly got up and backed up, "I didn't mean to hurt her! I'm sorry!" "IM GONNA MURDER YOUR ASS, I SWEAR TO OUR DEAD MOTHER! IM GONNA MAKE SURE YOU REGRET GOING NEAR DAHLIA!!!" Expunged snarled as her tail lashed the ground. A few patients who were there helped keep her from trying to kill her own brother, even if Bendu didn't ask for the help. "Ma'am, keep calm!" A doctor says as he tried to hold her tail on the ground. Another doctor pinned her arm to the ground, making her fall flat on her stomach. "LET ME THE FUCK GO!! GET OFF OF ME!" The Chaos God yelled at them before she saw the door open and reveal one of the nurses holding Dahlia safe and sound. "Look, you see?! Your child is just fine...." Expunged looked up at her as she was put down on the ground. "D-Dahlia...?" Expunged felt her red eye dilate, having a confused but worried look. Dahlia tried reaching for her, doing a hand signal that she wanted to be with her mother. The others got off of her and backed away; Cameo ran to Bandu and pulled him close. Bendu stayed by her side. The Mexican picked their daughter up once Expunged got up. "She has a bandage on her head. But other than that, she's okay," Bendu says. The taller Chaos God turned back into her unfairness form, looking around to find that almost everyone was looking at her with a scared expression. She forgot what it felt like to be feared, to be hated. To be the fearful one. And that feeling returned after so many years. "Let's just go home...!" She said as she teleported away, Bendu following after. Cameo nodded to Bandu and held him close, also teleporting away. Bandu was lucky the baby survived. But if she didn't, then he would've been beaten up in the most horrific way possible.

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