Chapter nine: Sure, another one?

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As days turned to weeks, and weeks turned into months, and months turned into three years, she grew slowly but was energetic at her age. Even learning how to talk and walk with the help from both of her parents. One afternoon, while she was in her room drawing a picture, she quickly got up and went to the living room, finding it empty. "Ah, fucking damnit!!" Dahlia heard her father yell out in pain, quickly running to the kitchen to find Bendu's hand with a giant burn mark. "Daddy?" Bendu turned his head to find his daughter standing there in confusion as he turned the sink water on and ran his hand under the water. "Dal, I'm fine," the man said, hissing in a bit of pain. "What happened- Bendu, don't tell me you burned your hand again while cooking without a glove?!" Expunged teleported inside the kitchen. She picked up Dahlia and held her close, "Your father is really dumb, sometimes...." This made the small girl laugh. Her laugh made both of her parents hearts fill with joy, especially Bendu's. "Alright. Now go in your room and I'll meet you up there, okay?" The Chaos God says as she put Dahlia down on the ground. The little Chaos god nodded, "Okay, mommy. Oh! Can I ask you something?" "What is it, baby?" Bendu questions her as Expunged wrapped his hand in a long bandage. She smiled innocently at them, "Can I have a sibling?" Both Expunged and Bendu felt their eyes widen, a hint of blush appearing on both of their faces. After saying that, Dahlia heads back to her room with a bright smile on her face. They looked at each other awkwardly. "Well, that just happened...." Bendu says, holding his burnt hand by his chest. Expunged puts on some gloves and pulls out the food for dinner, "I don't want any more kids. That's what i don't want." She places the hot pan on the counter and takes off the gloves. "But at the same time, I don't know what we're gonna do if we have unprotected sex again and then I get pregnant with another child." The Chaos God leaned on the wall, leaning her head back in exhaustion. Bendu went up to her and wrapped his unburnt hand around her waist and pull her close until their bodies touched. "Come on, mi amor~" he seductively said, making her blush, "It wouldn't hurt to have another one..~ Besides, it's been three years since you gave birth to our first child." He began to grind himself onto her, his clothed dick slowly becoming hard as it rubbed on top of her clothed clit. She whimpered a bit, wanting to have sex again, but not at this point. She gently pushed him off and he just laughed at her. "Are you teasing me or something?" Expunged guessed right. Bendu snickered, "Why wouldn't I, you puta~?" She rolls her eyes and walks out of the kitchen, "Whatever, I'm gonna go to Dahlia. Don't touch that pan, Bendu!" The Mexican sighed heavily as he looked at the pan before walking out of the kitchen as well. 

Once Expunged entered their daughter's room, she found Dahlia sitting on the rug drawing on a piece of paper. "You seem like you're having fun there," the Chaos God says, crouching down and sitting next to her. Dahlia smiled brightly and showed her the drawing, "Yeah! I drew all of us. Even uncle Bandu and uncle Cameo." When she heard her daughter say her younger brother's name, she felt her heart increase rapidly from the memory, her breathing became raspy. "Mommy? Mommy!" She heard the little one say, quickly calming down and looking at her daughter. Expunged calmed down, "Sweetie, two things I need to tell you, alright?" Dahlia nodded, not saying a word. "One: don't EVER mention or talk about your uncle Bandu." She looked at her mother confused, "But why?" The Chaos God didn't know how to explain to a three year old. Even if it was her own child. She wanted to explain in a way so she can understand the reason why. "Do you know wanna know why you have that small but visible bump on your head?" The little girl nodded, putting her hand on the bump that had a bit of cream on. Expunged sighed, "Your uncle was extremely clumsy and dropped you when you were just a baby. That's why you have a bump. But the fall also caused your bone in your head to crack a bit." Dahlia looks up at her worriedly, getting up and hugging her. Expunged just smiled a bit, "But are you sure you want a sibling? Because your father is gonna keep bothering me about having another kid...." She nodded, "Yeah, I'm sure." 

After they ate dinner, Bendu and Expunged are both taking a shower currently. The couple was doing a make-out session with each other, Bendu rubbed her waist before rubbing her hips, and they disconnected lips. "I knew you wanted this, pequeña zorra cachonda~" the Mexican said, kissing Expunged on the neck as he rubbed her thighs. The Chaos God moaned slightly, enjoying the sensation, "D-Don't stop...." He smirked and moved his hand onto the folds of her vagina, rubbing and playing around with them before touching her clit. This made her moan loudly, but it was covered by his hand. "Don't moan so loud, mi amor~  Voy a follarte tan Fuerte haste el punto de que no podrás caminar durante un mes entero,  carino~" the Chaos God felt shivers run down her spine, grabbing the man's cock and slowly jerking him off. The Mexican in front of her groaned a bit and thrusted his hips a little, Expunged could tell he liked it. She rubbed the tip of his cock, making him rutt his hips more. "You want me to keep jerking you off, huh? Want to cum so bad when you're close?" The Chaos God said as a smirk appeared on her face. The Mexican quickly nodded, his face covered in blush, "I want you to keep doing that, mi amor...." Once he said that, she got to work right away, grabbing his cock and starts jerking him off at a quick pace. Bendu couldn't wait any longer, placing his middle and ring fingers on her clit and  rubbing the now hard bump in circular motions, making the woman under him whimper in pleasure. Giving one another pleasure, touching each other sexually after waiting for three years, this is what they waited for. The Mexican got a sudden idea, pulling his hand away and taking her hand off of his cock, making the Chaos God confused by his action. He got out a vibrator and turned it on the low speed, making a finger movement and pointing towards the machine in his hand. "What are you trying to do here?" Expunged questioned as Bendu pinned her against the wall, putting the vibrator under her clit. He smirked, "You keep jerking me off, and I use this to give you better pleasure." 

(Not creating a part two because I'm fucking tired and I feel lazy for many reasons)

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