Chapter four: The news

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Days went by, but it felt like a whole week passed by. That's what it felt like to Bendu. "Hey, just relax!!" The Mexican was talking to someone on the phone before the call ended. He puts his phone in his pocket and walks to the living room where Expunged was sitting on the couch. He sat next to her and pulled her close until their bodies touched. "You seem bothered by something," the Chaos God says as she gave him a confused look. "Everything alright with you?" He sighed heavily, feeling his lungs burn a bit before looking at her in the eyes. "Yeah, I'm fine," Bendu answered. Expunged knew he was lying, noticing how he was looking to the side and his voice sounded a little different. But instead she stood quiet. After a few minutes of watching T.V, they heard a knock on the door. Expunged quickly got out of Bendu's grip and walked towards the front door, unlocking it and opening it. "Hi Expunged!" Her little brother, Bandu, exclaimed happily and quickly hugged his sister tightly like if he hasn't seen her in 17 years. The taller Chaos God pushed him off in disgust, "What the hell are you doing here?!" The shorter man smiled at her and entered the house. "Just wanting to visit you and Bendu. You moved out of the house without saying anything to me!" He whined, looking around before noticing Bendu. "I don't remember giving you the address to our new house, Bandu," The Mexican says as he gave him a confused look while the other sat down next to him. Expunged rolled her eyes and walked towards the room, closing the door behind her. Both men look at the room door that was now closed. "Is she alright?" Bandu questioned worriedly, looking at Bendu like if he knew the reason why. The taller man just simply shrugged, "I dunno. But whatever is bothering her, I leave her alone unless she's quiet for to long." 

Hours have passed, and Expunged was still in the room. This got Bendu worried a bit, getting up from the couch and knocking gently on the door. "Mi amor, you okay in there?" He called out to her, earning no response nor answer. He called out to her again, "Baby, please answer me! I'm gonna come in!" After a whole minute of waiting, he enters the bedroom to find her under the blanket on the bed. He walks up to her and sat on the side of the bed, gently placing a hand on her arm. Maybe it was her shoulder. Whatever! "Get... out.." The chaos God mumbled as she refused to take the blanket off. Her voice sounded a bit ill, like if she threw up about an hour ago. Bendu pulled the blanket off of her so he can see her face: her eyes were red, having red circles under her eyes. Her hair looked messy, along with her hands gripping the pillow. "You alright in here?" Bendu says worryingly. Expunged looks up at him in the corner of her eyes and looks away from him, saying, "I feel like I'm gonna puke again..." "You want me to take you to the hospital?" The Mexican asked, gently rubbing her back. She didn't answer him, instead whimpered in a bit of pain, grabbing his hand with one of her hands and holding him tightly. Bendu got an idea and quickly got off the bed. "I'll be right b-" But before he can finish his sentence, Expunged used her ability to bring him back to the bed. "I need to tell you something.." she looked up at him weakly. "There was a reason why I was in here for some time." The Mexican nodded, grabbing her hand with both of his hands and rubbing her hand gently. "I'm listening." 

Expunged explaining to Bendu: *Flashback*

When I entered the room, I closed the door behind me but didn't lock it because I knew you were gonna come in here and check up on me. It was because I didn't feel to good. But after a few minutes or so I ran into the bathroom and threw up. But I felt like I couldn't stop at all... I didn't even know why. But then I remembered we had pregnancy tests. So I took one and a few minutes later, the test had two lines. Then after that I became stressed because of that.

End of explanation!

"That's why I was in here for so long, Bendu." Expunged mumbled under her breath. Bendu had his eyes widen the entire time, he was full of confusion after that. "Why didn't you tell me this the moment you found out you were pregnant..?" He says as they looked into one another's eyes. The Chaos God quickly sat up, "I just didn't know how I was gonna tell you. I just didn't know how you were gonna feel about it. I'm... sorry." Was Expunged being serious? She never apologized like this before. Or even ever! Bendu felt a smile appear on his face, pulling Expunged into a hug before connecting their foreheads together. "I've been waiting for this moment!" The Mexican looks at her happily while caressing her cheek, "I've wanted to become a father all this time and it's finally gonna come true. You don't know how excited I am to hear this." She looks up at him in the eyes. "Wait, you're not mad?" Expunged questioned him as she was held close. Bendu just smiled at her and kissed her on the lips, "Of course not. Besides, remember how you told me that you didn't care if you got pregnant?" The Chaos God looks at him in confusion before blush appeared on her face, remembering how they had sex in the public family restroom without any protection. "God damnit! Bendu don't even make me remember that!" She quickly yelled at him, punching him on the shoulder and causing him to laugh at her flushed face. "Mi amor, you wanted to get pregnant! That wasn't even my idea." The Mexican snickered, making her punch his shoulder again. "Fucking asshole....! You're lucky I love you."

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