Chapter five: The midnight pain

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As months slowly pass by, her stomach slowly grew inch by inch, the pain increasing rapidly. One night, at about 2-3 am, the pain began-it was worse than before. Expunged couldn't sleep that night, having black circles under her eyes from the lack of sleep. She looked up at Bendu who was sleeping peacefully and holding her close but carefully. She slowly got up and sat on the side of the bed. But before Expunged can even get up, she felt not only a kick in her stomach, but also a very sharp pain kick in, causing her to yell out in pain and making Bendu quickly wake up. "Mi amor!" The Mexican quickly turned his head to find the Chaos God breathing hard as tears ran down her face. He grabs her from behind and pulls her close, "Baby, relax... was the baby was kicking again?" She didn't respond at all. Turning around to face him she hugged him and stuffed her face into his chest. "W-Worse than that..." Expunged muttered a bit, refusing to look up at him. He looked down at her and placed his hand gently on her large stomach, rubbing  it carefully to ease out the pain. "Do you wanna go to the hospital to get it checked out?" Bendu says as they made eye contact. She shook her head no, breathing raspy and holding onto him for dear life. "No, no no no!" Expunged quickly looked at him in the eyes. Bendu can tell she was scared, the way she held onto him like if she was dying or someone was taking her away from him. He lifted her head up, "Baby, it's for your good. And not only that, it's also for our child's good, too." The Chaos God looks off to the side before looking back at him, "I don't care! I just want to get this pregnancy done and over with, already....!" He nodded slowly, not wanting to argue with her made up decision. Bendu kisses her on the forehead before they connect foreheads once again. "Whatever you want, darling," the Mexican says, "but we're still going to the hospital at some point. Alright, I'm tired now..." Expunged just watched him lay back down before she felt him pull her close, making her lay down next to him. She sighed, feeling safe and comfortable with him, and slowly drifted to sleep.

😔 Short but comforting in my p.o.v

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