Chapter 2: A Sad Mother's Day

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Meanwhile on Earth, the sun was shining and the streets and roads in Brooklyn were busy. The half part of town in Brooklyn, there were flowers and many pretty things decorated all around. In a small store, you were putting flower seeds into each pot, making sure that you buried the seeds and watering the fully grown roses near the windowsill. It was Mother's Day, a special day for mothers who deserved all the love and respect that they have brought to the world. As you were about to fill the watering can at the sink, your sink was shooting out a light brown liquid from the faucet. You backed up, turning the handle so it would turn off. "That is disgusting. Hmmm," you opened the cabinet, noticing that there was a leak. "Looks like the bolt part may need to be tightened but the water... Why is it like that?" As you turned to see on your little TV, the Super Mario Bros. Plumbing was advertising. "Mario and Luigi? That's it! They know what to do." You went to the counter and picked up the phone, calling them.

You waited for a bit before spotting a yellow van pulling up by your shop. You opened the door. "Mario! Luigi! It's so nice to see you again!"

"Glad you called us for the job!" Mario tilted his hat up as Luigi took in the beautiful decor and new flowers you had on display. "Sorry that we are a few minutes late, we were with our mother. Mother's Day is very important."

"Mario, we didn't even get her anything except a card," Luigi said.

"Tell you what, boys. If you can fix the issue with my sink, I can give you the best flowers that are on sale, FREE! Deal?"

Mario and Luigi put their hands out for you to shake, accepting the deal. "That is very nice for you to do for us, (Y/N). Let's fix this, Luigi!" Mario and Luigi. As Mario checked the pipes under the sink, he noticed the problem that you spotted with another problem to add on top. "Sheesh, that isn't good but we could fix this. It looks like you got yourself a rusty pipe and from what you said, the bolt is loose. This may get messy. You just let us handle this."

"Thanks again." You walked away and let them do what they needed to do. You decided to tend to the mini garden outside the shop. From there, you trimmed the leaves to bypass the time.

The job was pretty fast for the two brothers. Mario and Luigi together worked on the pipe, replacing it with a new one, and the last thing that Mario had to do was twist the bolt. He flipped his wrench in style and tossed it in the toolbox. "Mission complete."

"Great job! Let's test the water first." Luigi turned on the sink, seeing the water coming out crystal clear. "Perfect! Let's tell (Y/N) that we are done."

You walked inside the shop, spotting the brothers picking up the rest of their tools. "How's everything?" You asked.

"Your sink is as good as new! The water came out clear as it should."

You went up to your sink, checking the water. "I love it! I can resume pouring new water into my watering can now. Thank you, Mario and Luigi! How much will the plumbing cost?"

"We usually would go for $150 for that but since you are giving us flowers for FREE, uh, brother, what do you suppose we should set the price to?"

"Hmmm, why not $100? Fair?"

"Fair. Okay, so the flowers on the display are really special. We have zinnias, roses both red and pink, buttercups, and tulips. The last flowers right now are bluebells which I only have two. You guys feel free to look around, I'm going to find my wallet to pay you two." You went up to the counter as they browsed the selection. As you pulled the two 50 dollar bills, Luigi pointed at the bluebells and zinnias with Mario. He nodded his head and Luigi took the flowers off the shelf. "You boys want bluebells and zinnias? Huh, I guess they really do need love."

"Our mother would love them. We hate to keep her waiting so this should brighten her day." Mario took the money as Luigi carried the flowers to the front door. "Call us if there is any trouble! Thanks!!" Mario waved to you before leaving with Luigi.

"See you two later! Thanks so much!" You sighed in relief as they headed into the van, taking off. "Back to work. I only have a few hours before I head home." You frowned, looking outside as you watched some of the men, women, and children laugh and having a joyous time with their mothers. You wanted to spend time with yours but unfortunately, she lived far away. All you could do was call her. You picked up your cell phone and dialed her number. You waited and waited but no response. As the automated voice message from your mother ended, you left her a message. "Hey, mom, it's me, (Y/N). I know we haven't talked in a while but you know how I am. I get distracted and my job is important... Anyway, I wanted to say Happy Mother's Day and sorry for not being able to visit you. I wished you would come down but I know you have a busy plate as well. Ehehehe, ehhh... Enjoy your day. I will send you a card. It will obviously be late. Bye. Love you."

You hung up, sighing sadly. It was your normal day being alone in the shop and you continued to tend to your flowers inside the place and the garden from the outside.

"Oh my goodness, boys, these are so precious! I love you two so much!" Mama Mario hugged Mario and Luigi. She placed her new flowers in a big vase.

"Your happiness matters to us, Mama," Mario said.

"Exactly! It is your special day! We all want to take you out but it's a surprise," Luigi added.

"I love surprises!" Their mother was thrilled to see what it was as Mario and Luigi laughed, taking her out of the apartment.

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