Chapter 4: Journey through the Pipe

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Toad finally arrived in Brooklyn through the green pipe. It was too dark to see but that didn't stop him from using the Fire Flower for guidance. "Alright, I remember this place being in total chaos back when Bowser appeared here. Seems like it's a bit of a mess here but the above world... I wonder." As Toad ventured through the sewers, he opened the lid, turning his head to see two buildings between him. The lights within were lit up while most were off for the evening. He got out and noticed two hats that looked familiar. "Mario and Luigi?" He went up to the building door and jumped up to open it.

Walking the halls, he went up the stairs, hoping that he would find them. He creaked open the door, quietly walking in. He heard talking and hurried to the voices. He lightly knocked on the door. "Mario? Luigi? Is that you?"

"Luigi? Is that Papa?" Mario was already in bed, trying to get comfortable.

"I'll check." Luigi got out of his bed, opening the door, looking down. "Toad?! What are you doing here?!"

"I have urgent news!" Toad walked in as Luigi closed the door.

"Keep it down, will ya?"

"Toad?!" Mario woke up, "What is going on. It's late, ya know?"

"As I said, I have urgent news from Princess Peach. Bowser escaped and he is planning something horrible! Princess Peach agreed with me to find you two on my own. We need you right away."

"Oh no, this is serious, Mario! Bowser is back?!"

"Let's not panic. We beat him once, we'll do it again! Together! Shhh, let's get ready. There are neighbors next to us and our parents will get furious if we wake them up. Go, go." Mario and Luigi went to put on their work clothes as Toad hurried out the door.

It was hard for you to sleep. You kept tossing and turning. You had a dream of a giant monster but he was engulfed in flames as you were surrounded by silhouettes of what appeared to be anthropomorphic turtles? You were frozen and speechless. You wanted to escape but between the troops of these shadowy figures and the fire monster, you couldn't do much. "What are you?!" You questioned in panic, the heat making you sweat wasn't helping your situation. Before anything in your dream could get you, a loud noise crashed into it.

"AHHH!!" You screamed. You fell off your bed, "What the heck?! Oh come on! My head is all wet! Thank god that was a nightmare. Heading to the window, you checked outside to see if it was day out but it was still night and as you looked down, you saw Mario and Luigi and... A walking mushroom?! Rubbing your eyes, you thought that you were seeing things but to make sure, you pinched yourself. "Ow! Okay, I'm up and this is real. What is going on?" As you watched the 3 headed into the vehicle, your curiosity got the best of you. You got dressed and left your apartment. As soon as you did, the van took off. You went up to your car and got in, "Darn it! I only have a little gas left. Oh, let's just hope it can take me to where they are going." You drove towards the direction where Mario and Luigi were heading.

It was silent near the streets that they parked at. You didn't want to be caught by them so you parked in the distance. As Mario and Luigi got out, they knew where to go to find the warp pipe that they went through before. "This is the place, Toad. It should be the same pipe that will take us to the same location near the Mushroom Kingdom," Mario said.

"I did take a longer route but I suppose this is where you two warped from?" Toad had to assume as Luigi opened the lid to the sewers.

As they headed in there, you were disgusted from what you were witnessing. "I don't know how they could go through that vile mess..." Now you were hesitant, debating if you should continue to follow them but inside, you wanted to see this kingdom that Mario mentioned. You took in as much air as you could before releasing all of it out, trying to suck it up going down the sewers. "Here goes nothing." As you opened the lid, you went down the ladder. The moment you made it down, you gasped at the huge rubble mess. You went to investigate only to stop... You heard a warping sound nearby and followed it. As you made your way there, you spotted a green pipe. The pipe did not look like the others down here. You slowly came up to it. "Mario? Luigi? Are you there?" There was no response in the pipe. As you got closer and closer inside, you felt a force pulling you in. As it did, you flew inside fast. "AHHHHHHHH!! Where IS THIS TAKING ME?! MARIO! LUIGI!" Again, no response.

You suddenly were flying through a cosmic, cloudy world that was filled with so many tubes. You wanted to go back. This was too much to you, like the time you went on a roller coaster? Yeah, it didn't feel good back then and this version does not feel good at all now! You noticed countless worlds outside of the tube. One looked like a tundra, the other looked like a volcanic setting, the other looked like a forest full of mushrooms. There were many worlds you noticed from your tube. "I can't believe this! AHHHHH!!" The tube shot you down into a void before you were flown out of the tube, hitting the stem of a giant mushroom. You blacked out for a while.

Meanwhile, the Mushroom Kingdom looked empty and abandoned. As Mario, Luigi, and Toad traverse through it, Toad needed answers fast. He saw the guards, shaking in a barrel. Toad ran up to it. "Fellas, what happened? Where's Princess Peach?"

The two guards looked at each other before crying in defeat as one blurted out, "She's been kidnapped by Bowser's Koopa troops! They were too much for us! We couldn't do anything! Anything! We had to keep the Mushroom people protected!"

Mario and Luigi looked at each other. This wasn't good and judging by this malicious plan that Bowser has in store, this battle may be more dangerous than their last encounter with him.

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