Chapter 12: Bowser's Wedding

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//This is the last chapter for this book. I know you all have been enjoying this book and want me to continue but I lost interest with Bowser X Reader so I am putting as much of my energy into this chapter as I can. If it's short, it's short. Plus, I would like to get to my other books. I am happy for your support on this fanfic. I appreciate it a whole lot!😊🔥//

1 Day left before the wedding

It's been 2 days and getting to know Bowser a little more wasn't so bad. Tomorrow was the day for you two to get married. Time sure flies by and you still weren't ready to get married. You had to admit, you loved a man- well, in this case, a turtle monster who can sing. His voice was like a metal angel that fell down from heaven. Bowser had a note sent to your room. Upon opening it, you read that he wanted you to go to a specific Warp Pipe to meet him at a place for your date night with him. A Koopa guard escorted you towards the pipe. As you went inside, you were transported with great speed. Making it through the pipe, you landed in a field filled with flowers and dark, green leaves. It was nightfall and the stars were so bright in the sky. You spotted Bowser near a picnic blanket. It was filled with food, a bottle of champagne, and a candle lit perfectly in the middle. "Hello, my fair (Y/N)." Bowser came up to you and helped you up. "Ehehe, here we are! Our special night before the wedding. I made sure that my loyal henchman set up our romantic evening with the right touch- speaking of which," Bowser snapped his finger.

Kamek was on a cloud near a tree. As he heard the signal, he summoned a small piano and started to play it.

"Wow, Bowser, this is very nice of you to do. I really love it." Bowser took your hand as he guided you towards the picnic blanket. "You know, you aren't as evil as I thought you would be."

"What? I'm evil! I just like to show love and understanding towards my beautiful maiden. Are you trying to say that I am soft?"

You can tell that Bowser was concerned about his feelings of being... Weak but you never would see him as such. You couldn't help but to laugh softly. "No, no. You are not soft. I am saying that you have a sweet and gentle side with you besides being a beast. It doesn't make you weak." You sat down.

"Really?" Bowser took his glass of champagne and sipped it. "I just hate to have you think that I am some pathetic king."

"Again, you are not. Never think that." You picked up your glass of champagne. "I prefer a king to have an assertive but gentle and kind side to him." You sipped your drink.

"I can show that. You know I only show it to you."

"I want us to at least establish an agreement at least in our relationship. I want you to be nice. If we were to rule with the Super Star, I don't want you destroying everything with it. Do I make myself clear?" You crossed your arms.

Bowser sighed loudly. "I suppose you're right..." In his mind, he would eventually take over. He just needed time. "I want to make you happy during our wedding." He took your hands before picking a flower for you. "For you, my lovely flower~"

You happily took the flower. "Thank you, Bowser. This is such a nice night and the music sounds so relaxing."

"As it should."


The wedding bells began to ring for the beginning of the ceremony. You were pacing around in your wedding dress in a room. Bowser was in his wedding suit, fixing his coat up and his hat. He was ready to make you his. He was waiting patiently but inside, he was so eager to take your hands and kiss your lips. As you came through the doors with a bouquet of flowers in your hands, you walked nervously towards Bowser while one Shy Guy was tossing rose petals behind you. Before you, there were so many strange creatures watching you walk past them. You walked up the steps and looked up at Bowser. Kamek went up on the steps at the pedestal and licked his fingers to turn the pages in his book.

"We are gathered here today to bring this wonderful human girl and The King of the Koopas together with the power of the Super Star and with their undying love." Kamek turned the page again. "Do you, King Bowser, take (Y/N) to be your lovely, wedded wife and Queen of the Koopas?"

Bowser grinned, "I do."

"And do you, (Y/N), take King Bowser to be your lovely, wedded husband and your King of the Koopas?"

"I do."

"Then I pronounce you, King and Queen of the Koopas and the Rulers of the World. You may now kiss!" Kamek closed his book.

Bowser was so ready for this and literally had his lips puckered up for you to kiss them. Your facial expression was a little disgusted, luckily, his eyes were closed to not see what you felt. You took a big gulp and embraced his kiss. At first, it felt weird. The texture of his lips felt sort of leathery or scaly, you couldn't quite explain it in your head. As Bowser took your wrists gently, his kiss deepend. It felt nice and so caring that you dropped your bouquet of flowers. Your eyes slowly closed and you submitted. Everyone clapped in joy and celebration that their king finally has a bride. "I hope you enjoyed that, darling, because I will be giving you so much more than that~ We are finally complete! I am so happy!" You could tell that Bowser was tearing up in happiness.

"I am happy as well." You knew that now that you were both married, the Super Star was under not only his control but yours, too. One day, you'll eventually plan something with it. For now, you wanted to relax with your husband. "Let us have our alone time, my king. Taking over the world can... Wait."

Bowser was excited about this and picked you up. "You don't have to tell me twice, my gorgeous flower!" He kissed your lips again as you took in the kiss and gave him a passionate, genuine one back.

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