Chapter 5: Eyes Set on You

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"Uggh," you grumbled, moaning in pain from the impact landing. "Am I-" Gathering your surroundings, you tried to get up but held onto the giant mushroom stem like it was a tree. "This is so crazy, I can't believe that Mario, Luigi, and I are in this bizarre world! I gotta get to them." You hurried your way to the Mushroom Kingdom. From afar, it looked breathtaking and the creatures running and flying in front of you as you continued your way towards your destination was amazing.

Meanwhile, at Bowser's kingdom, Princess Peach was hanging above Bowser's piano. She heard a noise and saw Bowser coming in. "Hehe, I gotta say again, you look kind of cute and beautiful hanging up there like that. You look like an angel ready to sing with me on my instrument," Bowser complimented with a smug look on his face.

Peach only scoffed at that, making her grab the bars of her caged prison. "You only captured me easily because Mario and Luigi aren't here in this world. When they find out about this and arrive, you'll be sorry!"

"HAHAHAHAHA! I am ready for them, Princess. Trust me, I will prevail. I won't let two plumbers plunge me into defeat again! Hehe, get the joke?"

"I get it," Princess Peach crossed her arms, rolling her eyes.

"C'mon, trying to lighten the mood here. Now relax and let me... Serenade you~" Bowser sat down on his bench and began to play a musical melody for Princess Peach. All Peach could do was sigh and listen to it.

Kamek's crystal ball glowed within the forest that you were leaving. Kamek kept his sight focused on where Mario and Luigi were at. The crystal ball was heading to the castle and as it floated above, Kamek spotted you. "Interesting, I have never seen her before. The King must know about this. Wait-" He fixed his glasses, seeing Mario and Luigi on the balcony with Toad. "There you two are." He chuckled.

"Whatever Bowser is plotting, we better think of a perfectly executed plan because ambushing the kingdom, kidnapping Princess Peach was just a surprise attack!" Said Luigi.

"You're not wrong because next, he will want to take you guys out if you were to rescue her," Toad explained.

"Why don't we find that Super Star? He found one before, we can find one as well." Knowing Mario, he was determined to save Princess Peach, even if it's to go forward without a plan.

"It's not that simple, fellas. The Super Star is guarded in certain obstacles in different worlds or kingdoms. Getting one is quite rare. It's a powerful power-up."

As you arrived at the entrance of the Mushroom Kingdom, two Toad guards blocked your way with their spears. "State your name, trespasser!" One of the guards said.

"Okay! Take it easy with those things. My name is (Y/N) and I am looking for my friends, Mario and Luigi. They came here with a mushroom guy, the same size as you two- eep!" The spears got closer towards you. They didn't care to let you in. "This is important! Let me see them."


"No way."

Mario and Luigi looked down, seeing another figure below at the entrance. "Who is- (Y/N)?! How did she- Luigi, we better go check this out." Mario left the balcony.

"(Y/N) is here?! Wait for me!" Luigi followed Mario as fast as he could. Toad went another route.

As soon as Mario made it to you, he went past the guards. "(Y/N)?! Did you follow us? You should go back home, it's not safe here."

"Mario, what is going on? I am not leaving until I get an explanation." The crystal ball was taking in the two of you.

"I would love to explain but there is just too much to take in, (Y/N). Look, I will say it like this; A giant monstrous turtle took a very important princess and my brother and I must save her before he does something else. Now that I explained, let's get you out of here-"

You crossed your arms, "Mario, I am not leaving this spot. In fact, I am not leaving you two to fight something threatening. It sounds like a dragon."

"Much worse than a dragon," Luigi added. "Bowser almost succeeded in conquering the Snow and Jungle Kingdom by stealing a Super Star. Yeah, a lot to cover on what happened when we encountered that tyrant." Luigi pulled Mario away from you, whispering, "If she won't go, should we have her tag along? I have a weird feeling that Bowser may just go after her and this kingdom again."

"Luigi, it's unsafe for her to be with us. We don't have the Super Star and without it, we may be powerless to stop him. Our only choice is the Power Ups and with the whole army, we have to be careful not to get hurt or we will lose our powers. (Y/N) may distract us."

"EHEM! You know, I am standing right here?! I am not some damsel that needs protecting or assistance, guys!" From what they said, it just felt rude to you like you weren't good enough to help them on their quest. "I want to help. Who knows, you may need another helping hand if things get rough."

Mario rubbed his chin, "You make a good point. We're sorry to talk without you being involved. We just worry about you."

"It's fine and I understand. I worry about you guys, too! You're my friends and your mom really enjoys my shop and my company so ehe, hate for her to worry for us three getting into trouble. So let's stop Bowser and save the Princess!"


Kamek quickly left his study and went to find Bowser. Just as he was about to open the doors, Bowser burst the doors open, making Kamek hit the wall. "SHE IS SO STUBBORN! Even when I create music for her, she has this remark to deliver after!" Bowser growled, smoke blew out of his nostrils and if you couldn't tell, there was a small spark of flames coming out. You knew that he was not messing around. "I give up- Kamek?! Where are you?!"

"Here, Sire. I have news for you!" Kamek fell flat on his face before getting up, trying to fix his hat. "The plumbers are here AND! It seems as though we have a visitor that is with them."

"Oh really? By all means, show me." Bowser looked at the crystal ball, reflecting the three that Kamek mentioned. "So they have arrived- and oh, this is precious, hmhmhm, is this the visitor?" As Bowser took a much closer look at you... Something in him clicked. It was as though his love for Princess Peach was pushed aside and a new plan stirred in his heart. Kamek was confused as he stared at Bowser's expression.

"Sire? Are you alright? You look hypnotized."

"Oh, uh, yes, yes! Kamek, I want you to keep an eye on this newcomer and those pesky plumbers. Also, mind if I can like, get a crystal ball, too? I would like to... Observe this gem."

Kamek lifted a brow and didn't question his request further. As he summoned a crystal ball, Bowser took it. "Anything else?"

"Yes. Gather the Koopas and when the time is right, send them to capture that girl."

Kamek nodded, bowing to Bowser before leaving. Bowser had a few more plans ready for not only Mario and Luigi but for you as well. Something about you was drawing him into taking you. You were his next prize.

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