Too Late

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Lapis curled up, wrapping her arms around her knees. She didn't know how long she'd been locked away, time seemed not to exist while she sat and waited. She wasn't sure what she was waiting for, though.

Sometimes she wondered if it would have been better for her if she'd stayed imprisoned in the mirror, because then she'd never have met... her.

Fate hadn't been kind to Lapis Lazuli,and she'd idly thought about whether this was some kind of punishment. Whatever it was, she hated it.

When she first saw Peridot, half of her wanted to burst out laughing at her ridiculous hair, and half of her wanted to run away.

The longer she knew Peridot, though, the more she wanted to know. She wanted to touch Peridot's hair, run her fingers through it. She wanted to steal her fingers and laugh playfully as the green gem tried to get them back. She hated herself for it.

Little did she know, Peridot felt the same way.

Peridot spent ages staring at her screen, not reading or taking in any of the words, her mind filled with the blue gem. Sometimes she'd switch on the monitoring camera in Lapis' cell so she could watch her, then angrily switching it off, trying to concentrate on "more important things". She'd make up excuses to walk past where Lapis was being held, so she could see her, if only for a moment.

Now, though, it's too late. Lapis is somewhere at the bottom of the sea, fused with Jasper, and Peridot is somewhere on earth, frantically trying to reach homeworld.

If Peridot had only talked... but it was too late. Now Lapis Lazuli was gone, out of Peridot's reach, and there was nothing either of them could do about it.

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