part -1

57 10 8

Yoongi 's POV

I woke up after listening to traffic noise coming from road due to vehicles, it disturb my sweet sleep. I guess I need to change my house from this place, it's always noisy. I checked time on alarm clock beside my bed, it's showing 6:00 am.
But now my mood is spoiled, so I got up from my bed and make my way to washroom for my morning routine.

Time skip -

After fresh up I went to Jungkook's room to wake him up for school. His final exams are coming, then he will finish his high school. I went to his room, he was sleeping and looking so ethereal and cute at the same thing. I only have Jungkook as family member, I love him so much and I raise him alone on my own.
I moved towards him, laid down next to him and hug him from behind.
I slowly kiss his cheek and said
"happy birthday kookie " in his ear and he giggled  in response and said "hyung, u remember my birthday?". I replied,
"Ofc, how can I forgot birthday of that person whom I love the most, admires the most ".
Kookie got shy and blushed. But he was very sleepy and not waking up so i started trickling  him, he started laughing hard and said  "Hy-hyung  h-hyung please stop-p hahhaha" 
"No, first you have to wake up then only I will stop".  I said while trickling him more. "you have school at 8:30 am, get up fast bunny otherwise you will be late for school and your exams are coming so I can't risk so you have to go to school plus it's your birthday baby get up fast,I have surprise for you at evening".
Jungkook reply "o-ok o-okk I am waking stop trickling me".

He said by gaining his breath, his breath was uneven due to very much laughing. He kiss my cheek  and ran towards washroom for morning routine, I chuckled at his behavior and  goes to kitchen for making  breakfast for my kookie.

Time skip-

I made sandwich for me with black coffee and pancakes with banana milk for kookie with my own hands. Kookie came downstairs and seeing him,I said "Come kookie, take seat , I am serving your favorite breakfast which I have made for u with my whole heart".
we both have our break fast which I made and he really enjoy it and thank me for so tasty breakfast , I was really happy seeing him smile and giggle , he is so precious in my eyes and I can't allow anyone in this world to hurt him, he is my every thing.

When he finished his breakfast,i said "come fast, I will drop you at your school then will go to my office"

Kookie agreed with me and  we both goes to car parking, I unlock car and he take a seat besides me in car. I dropped him and wave a goodbye and flying kiss, he blushed at my flying kiss and I smiled too.
Time skip to yoongi's office -
I reach my office and was entering into company but I saw Mr. Kim and I bow to our CEO of company ( AR entertainment) , Mr. Kim teahyung.
He is very gentle and kind man, he really praise me every time. Today we have got a big meeting with CEO of DCR entertainment, Mr. Jung.
Mr. Kim is going to collaborate with them  as business partner. Meeting is going to start at 10:00 am and I am head of this meeting cause Mr. Kim trust me very much. Before meeting I checked all the files of project and they are all set.
Time skip to 9:30 am -
I was waiting for meeting to start and at that time Mr. Kim called me in his office. I went there and he said  "yoongi is all files of this collaboration is ready?" I nodded my head.
"This is very big meeting  you need to present well ok yoongi" . I replied  "Yes, Mr. Kim I will do my best" And he said "ok now, let's go for meeting, we can't  be late" While smiling.
Mr. Kim and I walked to meeting room together and greet Mr. Jung , CEO of DCR entertainment.
I started the meeting and explain everything to all the board members of both the company, they agree with our proposal and decided to collaborate with us.

Time skip after meeting-

After the meeting, Mr. Jung  called me and read my name from my ID card and said to me  "Mr. Min you are really good at explaining , you are really hard working employee , I appreciate your work ".
I smiled  at his words and bow to him and said "Thanks for collaborating with us Mr. Jung and become our company's business partner. I am glad that you like my work".
He done little handshake with me and went from meeting room. Mr. Kim is also impressed with work. He invited me for celebrating for new achievement  cause DCR entertainment company is very popular and rich and becoming his business partner is very profitable.
So he invite me for  dinner with some more colleagues but I refused and apologize him saying "Sorry Mr. Kim , I can't attend dinner with you cause today is my brother's birthday, so I had arranged a small party for him" I bow fews times in front of him and apologize for rejecting his offer but he said  "It's ok, you can enjoy your time with your family , we can have dinner some other day".
I thanked him then he goes to his office and I went to my desk to work on this  collaboration with DCR entertainment.

Author's POV

Time skip -
Yoongi work till 6 pm in evening today he went home early cause he had to do preparation for party for his brother. He first went to cake shop for taking cake and then went to store for some other food and snacks for himself and his brother.
He had already buy a gaming console for him as his 17 th birthday gift. He reached home and open door, he went inside and he know that kookie will come home after 8:0 pm from coaching classes. He done with all preparation.

Jungkook' POV

Today is my birthday and hyung told me in the morning that he will give me surprise but i am getting impatience.  My curiosity level is increasing but now I have to attend coching classes also.
After classes, I checked timing it's 8:05 pm, I sigh and said to myself
"I am exhausted but let's go home " I reach my apartment and open door with spare keys and went inside, it was all dark, I was trying to find switch to on light of hall room. But then suddenly

Yoongi's POV

It's 8:30 pm, I guess kookie is coming home in some time and Then suddenly I heard sound of some one opening door..
I  become silent and get ready to surprise him, I switch off all light of house, it's completely dark here. Then I heard foot prints and kookie was shouting my name saying " Hyung, are u there? " While finding switch.

Author's POV

Jungkook switch on main light and yoongi screamed his name and singing  happy birthday song for him.
yoongi was holding cake in his hands and saying " jeong-gug-a saeng-ilchughahae ( happy birthday jungkook) "
Listening and seeing all decoration, he was very happy and over whelming.
Yoongi put cake on the table and said " Kookie come fast and cut your cake"
Kookie happily ran to table and stood in front of his cake and was going to blow candle but suddenly a huge wave come from  the window and made candle extinguish and slowly kookie 's body was turning into death body with sad expression.

Yoongi 's POV

I don't know what was happening but suddenly kookie was turning pale.     I am totally confused at what is happening here. Kookie was having sad expression on his face. His face had lots of cuts and bruises on it . His clothes were torn. He had big scar which was made from knife on its right hand. His scar was containing some small amount of blood, it was looking so fresh just like he got that cut few minutes before. I was about to approach him but suddenly he started crying... Crying very hard but no tears was coming from his eyes . I was shocked seeing all this. I try to touch his cheek but i was not able to touch him . Some invisible wall was there between us. Kookie was crying hard  saying " h-hyung  pl-ple-please save me , they all are so bad, they beat me every day , it's paining very much hyung p-please-e  sa-save me from this hell ahh please h-hyung please  ahhh "
Watching  all this I started banging my hands in air on that invisible air wall which was stopping me to touch or console him.  I was feeling so weak that I can't help my kookie ..I was crying hard to get kookie then suddenly I woke up from my nightmare. I checked timing it was 4:00 am in morning. I got up and wash my face.

Author's POV

Yoongi woke up from his nightmare, his  brother's death was very painful and it had made him mad . He is still not over the fact that some one killed his brother two years ago. He got up and drank some water, but anxiety inside him was making him impatient. He was having a strong headache.

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