part -4

37 7 10

???'s POV


I was fuming with anger because of that new so called MAFIA KING. He had ruined all my hardwork and sacrifices of all people. I can't let him achieve success against me. I told my driver
" Drive to XXX club which is at the corner of Seoul".

He nod and obeys my order.
I talked to myself 
" He can't escape from me now, today will be his last day on this world".

I reached there and find my manager who was talking with some staff members of club. I approach them and ask
" What's happening there, Is everything  prepared as I said early ?"

Staff nodded and  walks away. My manager said to me "Boss, every thing is prepared as plan, just waiting for MAFIA KING to arrive".

After hearing  mafia king as title for that newbie my fired anger got oil. I grabbed my manager 's neck and yelled on him "Don't dare to call that fuck3r a mafia king, understand I will cut every tongue which will call him king" and making him chocked.

I release him and he was coughing hard while trying to gain his breath . He bow to me  for apology and said
"Sorry boss, it will not happen again, please forgive me sir".

I gestured my hand that I forgive and said while staring at him with my sharp red eyes, "Leave all this bull sh!t and work on our plan".

He nod and walks away and I started walking where I should go......

Suga's POV

I am in my car, going to XXX club for meeting with one of  the politician.

I am wearing a black leather jacket with cap and black mask. I am carrying a gun with me also for safety cause I can't trust anyone , I am mafia, every body is enemy of me and will kill me whenever they get chance or what if somebody is planning to kill me on my way.

I reached the club and saw my assistant  which was approaching me only. He is with fews of my gang members and fews body guards too for my safety.

My Assistant come and told me "Sir, meeting is in third room in VIP section".

I nod my head and started walking towards VIP section.
I enter in the room with my assistant  and bodyguards were outside the VIP room.

Then I saw a man was sitting on sofa drinking alcohol and a girl was sitting on his right lap and trying to seduce him by touching and grinding on him.
While a fews more girls were also dancing in the room around him. A strong alcohol smell was filled in the room. The room was dark with red and green light around it, making aura more strong.

His body guard were
Standing behind him, carrying a gun with him. The politician which I had come to deal with is not a normal person .  He deals with many illegal workers like supply of weapons , bombs and missiles in the country. He is very strong man.

I walk there and  after seeing me he gestured the girls to go away. I greet him "Hello, MR. Future defense minister".

After hearing the title minister from my mouth, he smile and said while doing small handshake with me
" Ohh, hello Mr. Mafia".

He is going to become next defense minister of country.
He welcomed me and advices me to take a seat on sofa, in front of him.
I sat down on it and my assistant was standing behind me.
I asked him "So what's the deal sir?".

He smiled and replied ,"What's so quick Mr. Mafia,Relax. First have some drink and then we will talk about it".

I  smiled and nod While ordering a bartender,
" 2 Tequila shot with lemon".

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