part-3 ⚠

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Warning⚠  contains cursed words and murder scene ahead

Author ' POV

Flashback continues.....

??? Killed his father by mixing poison in his milk and put all the blame on one of their maid. And nobody doubt him cause no one can ever thought that he can kill his own father for company or any position. His father was very famous mafia in underworld Or you can MAFIA KING at that time. As he was the only hier, he got the Mafia position and become the next MAFIA KING.

After 2 months,

As "???" Become the Mafia King, he is now even more cruel, heartless and can do anything for what he wants. He wants the CEO position in his father's company so badly but is now having a new CEO, who's the same employee whome his father chose.

??? 's POV

Now I only want my company back in my hands and I will do any thing for it. I can't allow some mother fuck3r
b!tch to take my company. I asked my driver to take out the car for me as I wanted to go to my company .

When I enter the company then , one of the receptionist stop me and said, "Excuse me sir where are going??? Do you have Appointment to meet Mr. CEO?" I stared at her with my sharp eyes , seeing that she got little scared and said, "S-sir, who are you? You are not allowed to me Mr. CEO without permission. " I smirk a little as she stammer while speaking in front of me but the I decided to reply.

" I am son of this company's ex CEO " After realising me she bow to me and apologized as she said " Sorry sir , I didn't recognise you " . I nodded my head and walk forward to 16th floor where CEO's cabin is.

I enter inside the cabin while kicking  the door loudly and making a THUD sound and the person in the cabin flinched but said, " Sir, what is this behavior?" I get annoyed by his voice so I replied harshly
" Shut your fu*king mouth so called CEO." That Mr. CEO was very shocked at my reply but didn't curse me and said
" Sir, please take seat and tell me what's the matter " . I sat on the chair in front the table and pulled a cigarette from my pocket and asked him for lighter but he refuses so I just thrown unburnt cigarette and said " See, I won't confuse you, I just want my company back and here are the papers just sign it and get lost from here, a dog like you don't deserve such a big company " I said while my bodyguard threw documents on table but he said
" No, I can't sign this and I am not going to give you this company " I got angry at his Statement and said while not loosing my temper, " So, take as much money as you want and don't show your ugly face to me again, understand " He again rejected while saying
" Sir, please don't force me to take any actions and it's cleared that I'm not giving this company to you at any cost ".
I was feeling anger inside me but replied with a smirk on my face," Mr. So called CEO, don't force me to harm you, I am asking you with love otherwise I can hurt you too, don't underestimate me ". He got a little scared but he take a pause and said again " Sir, please leave or I have to call guards " And listening this my blood boiled and I yelled
"So, now you have guts to kick me outside my own company huh?" he flinched and  I walk away with loud steps. I entered my car and asked my bodyguard who followed me till my car
" Find every single details of this fuck3r in one hour otherwise I will not hesitated to kill you ". He nodded and ran from there but my anger was on seven cloud how can he talk to me in that way. I was trying to take CEO position from him by talking with love and also offered him money. But he rejected my offer.

Time skip for one hour-

I was relaxing on sofa trying to cool down my anger but it's not easy until I got my company back, I can't ruin my father's sacrifice. My bodyguard come and handed over me a file with every details of CEO. " Sir, we can't have more details cause he didn't live in Seoul from starting, he migrated from busan. He lives with his wife in XXX apartment in YY street. Her wife owns a cafe but we can't find his personal information about his children or relatives".
I gestured him to leave and thought that only one way is left to take my property back.

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