part -5

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It was past midnight, all the shops were closed and no car was seen in the road except one. The person driving the car was little frustrated, he is still facing headache as the side effect of that drug intake. Yes, you guessed it right the driver is YOONGI.

When his right hand took him to the hospital with his own injured leg, the doctor made both of them admit in the hospital. When yoongi got his consciousness back he found himself in hospital as he wasn't expecting himself to be there. He consult the doctor and got to know that his man needs a little long break as he lost big amount of blood. Yoongi told his wellness to his man and left from the hospital as he only took drugs and doctors gave him "anti doze" And allowed him to go if he want.

He was driving while rubbing his temper a little bit to cool down his mind. He was focused on road when something came in front of his car and he used emergency breaks to not crush the thing in front of his car. He thought it must be a cat or dog but it was a young girl. A beautiful girl with pale face. Her lips were dried, her hairs were all messy, and her clothes were very dirty.

Yoongi was taken a back and felt his anger building up but then he tried to calm himself and asked her as sweetly as he can after pulling himself out from the car's window.

"You should look wheather there's any car coming on the roa-", " Ca-can you please help m-me?"

Yoongi got cut in between as the woman in front of him said while breathing heavily, fear was clearly visible in her red teary eyes.

Before he can say anything the girl hop inside the car and made herself sit on the passenger seat.


The girl sat inside the car which made me a little shocked and before I could scold her, she started begging me to drive the car and leave this area.

"Plea- please I'll explain every- everything but please lea- leave this area and go somewhere saf- safe."

She sobbed in between her line which made her voice crack. I understood she's afraid of something or maybe SOMEONE.

I drove the car and left that area and gesture her through my fingers to speak what I want to know.

"Okay I'll tell you everything. My name is JENNIE and I ran from one basement and that basement had a lot of other girls like me.
Those people kidnapped us because they wanted to trade us, sell us to other rich people, you can also say those people are working for

I stopped the car in between the road and look at her with eyes wide open. I'm sitting with a victim of a thing which I hate the most in this world.

"Human trafficking? You know what you're saying? Human trafficking is not small thing and you really think it's happening in Korea?"

I said I disbelief but her next words made me trust her a little and shocked a little more.

"I'm not lying sir. Please trust me and if you want proof then you can go to the international seashore tomorrow midnight,they are going to trade those girls to other countries." She said. Sincerity is clearly visible in her voice.

"Please save them sir, they trusted me and help me run away from that hell so that I can bring help for them. Please" She begged while joining her hands in front of me. I looked at her and was sure that she's not lying. I'm a Mafia as well that's why most of the time I can identify if the person is lying or not.

"Okay. I'm ready to help you. But what do you think we should do to save those girls Ms. Jennie?" I asked her coldly looking directly into her eyes as I push her hands down as they were still joined in front of me.

"Let's go to police and ask for there hel-"
She got cut in between her dialogue as I laughed at her words.

"I hope you're kidding me." I said with a little chuckle. But she had her serious face and looking at me as if I'm a mad person.

"Are you out of your mind? If it's really  human trafficking group then they must have bribed those officers so that they can do there work smoothly." I added but this time with serious tone.

She was speechless and was about to say something but I said before her.

"Leave everything on me Ms. Jennie. I'll handle all these. But I wanna know if you know anything about that human trafficking group and the people in that group? Anything? There physique? There appearance?"

I asked her as I started the car, driving towards my farm house.

"I don't know how they look because they were always far from us, but I know for whom they work." I snapped my head towards her and again looked at the road after a brief eye contact.

"They work under a guy named

I stopped the car in front of the farm house but the breaks were strong which made her to almost bump her head on the front board but this isn't my concern right now.

I was even more shocked right now. How is this even possible. I never asked anyone to do human trafficking, in fact I hate human trafficking.

"Do you even know what you're saying? What made you think that it's mafia king who's doing all these human trafficking thing?" I said with my deep voice and definitely it's visible by my voice that I'm pissed.

"I heard it by my own ears. They were talking on phone to there boss and I heard them saying, 'We are done with the number of girls you asked and according to Sir SUGA we will take them to the seashore tomorrow midnight.' Please believe me sir."

'What the fvck? I never asked anyone to do human trafficking and according to her it's me. How in the h3ll is this even possible? They must be using my name and doing all these because I'm mafia king and they will get more people by using my name. I need to find this racket and destroy them fully. They are ruining my image and name.' I said to myself and come out of my car.

TIME SKIP {Afternoon}

What is all this happening in this world? I don't even know how many rackets must be going on using my name. I need to find them and show them WHO THE ACTUAL BOSS IS.

Right now I'm in my office looking at my laptop screen as I asked my guards to find every single detail about that racket and they forwarded me a folder filled with there details and the thing which shocked me is that this racket is under the same mafia who attacked me last night and guess what I don't know anything about that person except that he was 'EX MAFIA KING' but I became the mafia king and took his position. I guess this is the reason why he's using my name because he know none can deny anything said by mafia king.


I talked to my guards and instructed them about the mission. Jennie asked me to take her with me to the seashore but I didn't wanted to risk her life again that's why I helped her and sended her back to her house with one of my guard.

I took my gun, placed it in my waist belt and sat inside the car and started driving towards the International seashore and my guards are coming behind my car.

As I was driving my car my phone started buzzing and I picked up the call.



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