part -2

34 7 4

Author's  POV

A room filled with a strange smell, disgusting smell of blood and rotten corpse but the person in that room didn't bulge to move or react as if it's not affecting him, he is so into his work.
Work of crushing a dead person's internal body part. Digging in his body by using his own hands, removing intestine from his body and crushing it in between his hand and fingers. Blood flowing out from that dead body, from the intestine in person's hands and flowing down on that rough floor which already had dry blood stain.

The person is none other then SUGA, the mafia king. He was frustrated after his nightmare and to cool down his mind he came into his basement to punish the person and feel relaxed afterwards. His best way of remove his frustration was torturing people.
He gave that person a very dangerous death after torchering him for more then 2 hours. His body is ripped opened by SUGA as he smell corpse's blood and threw those pieces of flesh on that dead person's face with a disgusting look on his own face.

"The more disgusting this person is, the more disgusting his blood is. I'm not surprised as this dirty blood person raped that small angel. Well your organs will do a great work anyways."

After saying his last words he left from that basement leaving another corpse to rot in the basement but his men come inside to remove his body organs from his body and preserve them in different jars.

Yes, the person wasn't innocent, he was a rapist. He raped a 7 years old girl and left her in that dark alley to die but SUGA saw him and asked his guards who were behind his car to capture him and tie him in his basement as he saved the girl and he look after her condition in hospital and even after hospital, he provided her good quality study facilities, healthy living because he made her stay in his NGO.

Time skip at evening-

As SUGA was also soaked in blood, he decided to took a long hot bath and when he came out of the bathroom ruffling his hairs by one towel and another is tied around his torso, his eyes caught attention on his phone. His phone was vibrating and screen was getting ON & OFF, and he understood that someone is disturbing him with whole heart. He came towards his phone pick up and saw that he had so many missed calls and messages from Mr. Kim (His Boss) and his manager. As he already knew it what his manager want to say, he decided to reply to Mr. Kim first, and opened his chat box.

Mr. Kim
Where are you Yoongi?
Are you okay?
Something happened?

2 Missed calls from Mr. Kim

Mr. Kim
Can you please pick up the call yoongi?

2 Missed calls from Mr. Kim

+9 messages

Yoongi saw the time 5:57PM, he signed and messaged Mr. Kim as he know he took a leave without informing his boss and his boss is very possessive towards him and why not because he is the most hardworking employee in his company.

Good Evening sir, and I'm sorry. I didn't came office today as I wasn't feeling well . I'm sorry for not informing you, also I'll make sure to not repeat that mistake again. I'm feeling better and I'll come to office tomorrow. Sorry once again.

Mr. Kim
It's okay yoongi, it's good that now you're feeling better. I was worried for you as you never took a leave without informing. Take rest and eat healthy. Let's meet tomorrow.

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