part -6 ⚠

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"Si-sir, She pushed me out of the car and said, 'I'm going where your boss is going right now.'" My bodyguard said who was assigned to drop Jennie at her house safely.

"WHAT? YOU CAN'T HANDLE A GIRL? YOU'RE A WELL TRAINED BODYGUARD AND SHE IS JUST AN ORDINARY GIRL." I yelled fuming in anger. Why is she so stupid when I mentioned earlier I don't need her then why she wants to come there?

"Sir, I wasn't expecting that from her. She was talking nicely but suddenly she pushed me from my driver's seat, made herself sat on driver's seat and locked the gate and yelled at me telling she's going behind you while driving the car." He said.

"Useless." I said and cut the call and threw it on passenger seat.

I talked to myself while fuming  in anger ,
"That stoned  muscular  body man can't even handle a fragile girl , how will he fight with my enemies, such a useless brat "
My eyes are looking for her car on large highway and i pressed my foot on  accelerator strongly and made my car at at 100 km/h ,

so that I can catch her before she can go to seashore and I started talking to myself,

"That girl is just creating more troubles for me, I told her to rest, I will manage but she is dumb, going to bury her  own head on stone "
I made annoyed face because of her  bull sh*t behaviour.

I am driving my car speedy  when I saw car in front of me and I knew it that was her car as she was driving my bodyguard's car.
I smirk after seeing her but i know she can't see me from my car.
I accelerated my car even more faster than before and overtake her in just few seconds and I guess she didn't even care about any car passing by her through this high speed.

I pressed my foot on brakes very hard and drift my car in the middle of the road that even  marks were made on road by tyres and tyre scratching sound could be heard easily. I come outside and  sat on the bonut of the car and grab a cigarette from my pocket and lit it by lighter and  started smoking and waiting for that girl to come here as I overtake and came a little far.

I waited there for few minutes, as I took the last puff of my cigarette there comes that dumb girl when she saw me she stop her car by pressing brakes so hard  that geez sound was made as her car was in high speed too.

She got down from car and recognise me and was shocked to see me here.
I winked at her and jumped from the bonet going towards her.
"Ms. Jennie, I told you to rest and stay away from this , I can manage all this then where are you going? " I asked politely tho I was fuming in rage.
Her eyes were wide open and I guess she was shocked to see me knowing her plan.. I asked her a question but she ignored my question and was just starting at my face continuously.

I smirk again at her and waved my hand in front of her face and said " Hey, I am asking you something and you are just staring at me, I know I am handsome but answer my question first " .
She retreat back and got back into normal world from daydreaming. I chuckled darkly and ask again with deep voice,
" Come on girl answer me fast, where are you  going now? When I told you to stay away from this"
She got little scared by my tone of voice and answered me with shaky voice,
" S-Sir, they are very d-dangerous and I want to help you, so that it will be easy for you to help all girls to escape from that h3ll."


I escaped from  muscular man, who was going to leave me home because I want to save those girls who helped me to escape from that basement last night.

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