part 7

32 7 12


Author's POV

Yoongi had just finished his math homework and was feeling tired. His fingers were sore, but he was excited for tomorrow. Yoongi is a 16-year-old high school student. The next day, he woke up feeling happy, thinking about someone special. He said to himself, "Today is my day! Let's do everything I planned." He joined his hands and closed his eyes, praying to God, "God, please help me today and make her-" Suddenly, his mom interrupted his prayer, shouting from downstairs, "Yoongi, wake up! You'll be late for school. Shall I send your appa to your room?" He replied, laughing, "Eomma, I'm up. No need for father." His mom replied while smiling on his reply, "Okay, baby. Go and get ready and come downstairs. I'm cooking breakfast." Yoongi ran towards the washroom joyfully to start his daily routine.

He came downstairs happily dancing and sat on a chair for breakfast, but when he looked up to check the time, he realized that he was getting late. It was already past 8:30Am, and he remembered that he couldn't be late today. He grabbed one sandwich and ran out of the house. His mother shouted at him to eat his breakfast properly, but he didn't hear her. He reached school just 5 minutes before the lecture and entered the hallway, searching for someone.

Suddenly, someone put their hand on Yoongi's shoulder from behind and said, "Yoongi, where were you? You're always late, and today too? Don't tell me you forgot what today is?" That girl pouted, and Yoongi melted at her cuteness. He wanted to bite her bread cheeks, but he controlled his emotions and teased her by saying, "Hey idiot, I'm on time...and what's so special today?" However, the girl didn't say anything for two minutes, and when Yoongi shook her shoulder and asked what happened, she jerked his hand off, looking sad and angry. She said, "Don't ever talk to me again. Bye. I hate you." Yoongi smiled at her childish behavior and followed her to class, shouting back with laughter and giggling because he knew that he was just teasing her. He said, "Hey stupid girl, wait for me..."
Both of them entered the class, and Yoongi's attention was fixed on a girl who was constantly pouting and sulking. The teacher noticed this and called out her name loudly, "Y/N, where is your mind? Are you mentally absent here? Tell me, what was I teaching 2 minutes ago?" She was standing speechless in front of the whole class and didn't know what to answer. The teacher then asked her to leave the class if she didn't want to pay attention. Y/N apologized for her mistake and left the class without saying anything. Yoongi felt guilty for ruining her mood because she was very cheerful in the morning but he spoiled it.

Y/N is Yoongi's childhood best friend. Her parents know Yoongi very well. Her father owns a small business of trading and exporting, and her mother is a housewife. They always cherish their daughter like a diamond as she is their only child. Y/N is a very cheerful girl and has a small circle of friends, with Yoongi being her best friend whom she has known for the past seven years. Today is Y/N's birthday. Yoongi is aware of her birthday, but he was just teasing her for fun.


I saw her walking outside the classroom, being sad. I felt guilty for ruining her mood. After class, I immediately ran towards her, searching the entire veranda for her, but she was nowhere to be seen. Then, as I passed through the garden, I saw her sitting on one of the benches, her face hanging low. I realized my mistake and picked a bunch of flowers for her. I went towards her and sat beside her. She knew the person sitting silently beside her was me, which is why she ignored me and kept looking at the ants on the ground. I called her name, y/n, multiple times but she continued to ignore me.
I lifted her chin, but she jerked away and looked elsewhere, indicating her anger. I giggled a little at her behavior. I thought to myself, "She's just a baby, my baby." I turned her head towards me and said, "y/n baby, please forgive me, I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm sorry".

I called her "Baby" and she blushed, but didn't answer me. Then I gave her the flowers that I had in my hands and apologized, "Baby, can't you forgive your best friend? I'm so sorry. If you forgive me now, I will not give you surprise tonight." Her eyes lit up when she heard the word "surprise" and I could see joy in her eyes. She smiled a little but then turned away from me again.

I chuckled at her and said, "Want something now?" She immediately replied, "I want one chocolate ice cream now," and turned away while pouting. I couldn't help but smile at her cuteness and said, "Okay, madam, let's go to the ice cream parlor." She started dancing happily, and I asked, "Weren't you mad at me earlier?" She just teased her tongue towards me and ran away. I ran behind her until we reached the ice cream parlor. We were both breathing heavily due to running. I caught her, and we both sat at the table. I said, "You just sit here, I will go and bring two ice creams for us, okay?" She nodded her head and drank some water.
After some time, I brought ice cream to the table. She started eating her ice cream so fast that I had to stop her. "Y/n, eat slowly, you stupid. It will choke you otherwise." But she just ignored my advice and kept eating like crazy. Meanwhile, I was just admiring her beauty. She has got doe eyes with flawless skin, and her brown eyes always shine like golden honey in the sunshine, increasing her beauty more. She also has a cute little nose like a red panda that I love to pinch. Her lips always look so kissable and soft. I just want to make her mine one day. I was so busy admiring her that I forgot my ice cream was melting.

I asked her, 'Y/N, come to the  Garden at 8 PM wearing the dress which is in your bag right now.' I had put a parcel in her bag while she was ignoring me in the garden. She was shocked and asked, 'Huh? You got me some dress for tonight?' She was excited and went towards her bag to open it and see which dress I had brought her. But I stopped her and said, 'No, don't open that parcel now. Go home and come to the location which I mentioned, wearing that dress, heels, and necklace.' She pouted and stopped eating her ice cream. I looked at her seriously but was secretly amused. "Y/N, if you don't obey me, then I'll cancel our plans," I said firmly. She immediately replied while sulking, "No, it's fine. I'm not opening it now. Are you happy?" I smiled and said, "Yes, I'm happy. Now, eat your ice cream. We still have three more lectures to attend." Then, we both finished our ice cream and went to class together.


Yoongi was overjoyed that she had readily agreed to meet him in the garden, especially since it was her birthday and she may have had other plans with her parents or friends. He thanked God for this opportunity as he walked home, it was 5:00 in the evening. He had planned everything for the past month and had been waiting for her birthday to reveal his true feelings, which he had been hiding for years. They had known each other since childhood, and it was only natural to develop romantic feelings towards each other.


Sorry for making you wait this long but we were in our lives these past months but now we're back!

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Any guesses what's coming next? 🤭

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