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Ponyboys pov

Johnny doesn't got a good homelife. His mom dont pay none to him and his dad beats him like a punching bag. He doesn't deserve it. It takes a toll on him a lot hes always sad and looks scared. All of that intensified when he got jumped a few months ago from some dumb socs. Now johnny wont leave the house without me or a switchblade.

Today me and johnny were sitting in the lot since his parents were making a ruckus in the house.
We were sitting by a fire we made since it was pretty dark already and it was cold.
I looked over to johnny and God did this boy give me butterflies. He looked gorgeous when the fire light hits his face. I couldn't help but admire how cute he was.
He noticed that I was staring and knocked me out of my thoughts . "You okay pone?you've been staring at me for the past few and your face is really red." Shit. "Yea of course johnny sorry I was kinda lost in thought." Yea lost in his eyes.
I shook the thought away when johnny spoke again. "What were you thinking about?" FUCK. "Uhm nothing just how late it is. We should probably be heading back Johnnycakes." Johnny looked at me for a second and tilted his head like a confused puppy. Glory he is adorable.
"I'm probably gonna stay here since my parents are fightin back home" he said with a disappointed look on his face. "No way johnny its freezing out here you're coming with me i don't want you getting sick and sodas gonna be late anyway since he went to a party with Steve". Johnny thought for a sec before he spoke. "But I dont want to be a bother". "Come on johnny we all love you you're not a bother at all". He thought for a second and bit his lip. Holy shit he looked so hot when he did that. "Alright pone" he said through a beautiful smile. With that I grabbed his hand and we were off.

Parts will get longer I promise

𝓖𝓮𝓽 𝔂𝓸𝓾. PONYBOY×JOHNNY Where stories live. Discover now