s e v e n t e e n

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Johnny's POV:

It was dinner time now me and two but were getting the table ready and dally was sitting his ass on the couch.
Ponyboy came in with a smile on his face giggling and running upstairs.
I immediately knew something happened between him and cherry since he just got back from her house.
I looked at dally and he gave me a sympathetic look.
I felt the tears well up in my eyes and looked to the ceiling to stop them from falling.
I wanted this so why does it hurt so much?
The door opened again so I quickly wiped my face as more of the gang came through and finished getting the table ready.

Everyone was seated with all the food on the table.
Dally served me a plate and sat next to me.
He handed me my plate and I gave a small thank you and began to eat my food.
I looked up at pony who had a mischievous smile on his face.
The same mischievous smile he had whenever he planning something.
As soon as I finished my thought pony stood up and the table went quiet.
What is he doing?. I
I thought to myself.
"I have an announcement to make".
He said clasping his hands together.
I looked over at dally who had the same look of confusion as me.
Ponyboy looked directly into my eyes and then continued.
"I have a girlfriend!".
He announced proudly.
4 words.
4 words was all it took to break me.
He didn't even need to say who it was because I already knew.
Fucking cherry.
I felt my heart shatter as a wave of sadness and betrayal sent through my whole body.
Two Steve and soda were all cheering while me and dally stayed completely silent.
I looked down at the floor as I felt the tears prick at the corners of my eyes.
I felt a hand go to mine.
I looked up to see dally giving me a sad smile.
He mouthed I'm sorry and then rubbed his thumb on the back of my hand.
I smiled.
Even though I was completely heartbroken at least dally is here for me.

After all of the ruckus the boys were making it was darrys turn to comment.
"Ponyboy Michael curtis".
Everyone went silent.
He never used ponys full name unless he was mad.
"Who is your girlfriend?". He asked coldly.
I saw fear enter ponys face as he started to sweat.
"C-cherry, Cherry Valance". He said gulping at the end of his sentence.
We all looked at darry worried to see what would happen to ponyboy.
"Well then I fully support you as long as you use protection you little shit". He said bursting out laughing.
None of us expected that answer so soda spit out his water and started choking making it funnier so soon everyone was laughing except for me and dally.
Even then we did crack a smile.
"Wait dally you and johnny are dating too right?". Sodapop said looking at us both.
"What the fuck does that have to do with anything man?" Dally asked confused.
"Well I mean I was just wondering everyone thinks you are and if you weren't then why did you get so defensive about it". He said.
I looked at dally with panic in my face as I had no clue what to say.
Dally looked at me and sighed.
He looked at me and smiled and nodded confusing me in the process.
"Well until johnny is ready we are only friends with benefits". He said smiling at me.
This time there was no cheers just pure confusion.
I glanced at two bit to see him with his brows furrowed and he seemed deep in thought.
Slowly you could see tears pooling in his eyes but he quickly wiped them.
Everyone was asking dally questions but all I thought about was how my crush is with his crush and how I ruined dallys chances with two bit.

After dinner everyone was helping clean up and me and dally were about to sit on the couch.
He stopped me before we sat down witch confused me.
"Do you want to sit on my lap so they believe it more?". He whispered to me.
I sat on dallys lap when ponyboys parents were still alive.
I know that sounds weird but when we all wanted to go somewhere when we were younger all of us would squish in the car and i sat on dallys lap because he was the calmest and usually we would just fall asleep.
It took a bit to get comfy but I sat on his lap and he wrapped his arms around my waist before he rested his head in between my shoulder blades.
"I'm sorry for everything that's happened tonight johnnycakes". He said hugging me tighter.
"Oh shoot dally its alright I mean I just ruined your chances with two bit". I whispered back.
"Well at least no one knows about our crushes man".
"That's fair".
"And if you need anything I'm here for you johnny okay?". He said with a nurturing tone.
"Thank you dally". I said turning around and hugging him.
Before we could even pull away we heard darry yelling.
"And dont think forgot about you two yall better use some protection especially with Johnnycakes dally". He said pointing a finger at both of us.
"HEY WHO SAID HES TOP". I screeched at him.
"Johnny hun we all no you're to shy to do that".
I looked around at everyone and they all seemed to agree.
I crossed my arms and pouted while everyone laughed except for ponyboy.
He looked like he wanted to murder dally.
It was even more scary since he had a knife from the butter we used during dinner.
We locked eyes and I gave him a smile as dally hugged me again.
Let's just say he didn't do anything but he definitely planned something


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