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Ponys POV: (for once)

I was making my way to cherries house completely fucking pissed off.
Before dally came me a johnny were so close to getting together.
But now its HIM and DALLY doing everything together.
He ruined everything.
He stole MY johnny from me.
And now because of him johnny doesn't even seem to want to hang out with me or even be around me.

(Just in case anyone was confused pony doesn't know johnny saw cherry kiss his cheek so hes under the impression that dally is what the reason johnny was avoiding him)

I made it to the steps of her house and knocked.
I rocked back and fourth on my heels waiting for an answer until cherry eventually opened the door.
"So did everything go to plan pony?" She asked opening the door allowing me to walk inside.

I sighed.
"Yes and no. He said he would love too but he had to ASK DALLY if WE could hang out. It's like that fucking bastard is controlling him cherry". I screamed walking to her room.
"Well he did say yes and he wasnt with dally today so theres a chance he actually will go with you". She said calmly leaning on the doorframe to her room.
"But the plan was to get him to fall in love with me again cherry but he clearly is in love with dally".
I (dramatically) flopped on her bed.
"Listen pony you never know unless you Express these feelings pony you cant just say hes in love with dally without any evidence". She said sitting on the edge of her bed.
"Hmm let's see he hangs out with him every day, they flirt, they cuddle, he races home to see him, need I say more?".
She looked down and sighed while pinching the bridge of her nose.
"Listen pony I've seen the way he looks at you, no friends look at each other they way johnny looks at you so please just tell him."
"Can we just do the other plan please it clearly wont work cherry." I said gloomily.
"So making him jealous will work better in finding out if he likes you than you telling him you like him?. She asked annoyed.
"God pony you are impossible". She said rubbing her temples.
"Its better than getting rejected by the person I have been in love with since I can remember". I said matter of factly.
"N- you know what I'll give you that". She chuckled.
"So can I just tell everyone we are together too see please?". I begged.
"I dont know pony dont you think that's a little manipulative?". She questioned.
"Please". I said Literally putting my hands together.
She sighed.


𝓖𝓮𝓽 𝔂𝓸𝓾. PONYBOY×JOHNNY Where stories live. Discover now