e i g h t e e n

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Ponyboy's POV
I apologize for so many time jumps (it will happen again)

It's been a week since the dinner and let's just say it's been horrible.
They've been cuddling, holding hands under the table at dinner, falling asleep cuddling on the couch, flirting, and just showing so much affection to the point I have to resist the urge to murder dally everyday.
I've had to unfortunately do the same with cherry except not to the same extent.
Since shes not over every day we dont have to do it a lot.
Unfortunately though I still have to do it.
We've been planning on having a "date" but in reality we're just going to have a dinner with a lot of bashing dally and praising Johnny.
I have to ask for permission from darry first so I'm gonna ask at dinner.
I was already let off from school for today so I was just going to catch up on homework.


Everyone was already seated when I got down and I saw dally and johnny flirting as usual.
I rolled my eyes and seated myself next to soda.
Darry came in with the food and everyone started serving themselves.
Once everyone had gotten their food I decided to ask the million dollar question.
"Hey darry can I go on a date with cherry tomorrow?". I asked stuffing my face with a slice of ham.
Soda and steve started cheering and whistling as I patiently waited for his answer.
"You know what? Go ahead ponyboy just tell me if you need anything before you go". He said smiling to me.
"Thanks darry". I said forcing a smile back.
I finished my food and put it in the sink mumbling insults about dally and walking up to my room.
As soon as I opened the door I saw sodapop and steve standing in the bedroom. (NO STEVEPOP JUST YET ;P)
I shut the door and turned around only for the door to open for me to be dragged in once again.
"What are you guys doing?". I asked rubbing my shoulders after I was literally DRAGGED by them.
"We need to make you look good for your date". Soda said bumping his hip into steve who just rolled his eyes and grinned.
"Well okay?".
And when I said that it was as if all hell broke loose.
Soda started throwing clothes to steve as he examined them and started talking about what color compliment my undertones, eyes, hair and much more.
I stood there confused on how soda knew so much and concerned on how they were gonna manage to clean their mess up.
They finally decided on a white shirt with a brownish green button up with straight cut Jean's and a pair of round sunglasses.
I tried on the outfit as they cleaned up because it looked like a FUCKING TORNADO went through the room.
I looked in the mirror and I actually looked good.
I looked elegant but also tuff and mature.
Maybe all their crazy talk wasn't so crazy after all.
I walked out of the bathroom to see them holding hands and laughing.
When they saw me they immediately let go and turned red.
But then steve started whistling "shoey ponyboy you're looking good as an ice cream in the hot summer" he said with sodapop nodding his head.
"Gee thanks guys, you think Johnny- I mean cherry will like it?".
They both gave each other a side glance before continuing.
"Uhm yeah pony i think both of them will like it but I think we should be on our way now before we change our minds and rip open the closet again". Steve said walking downstairs and grabbing the car keys.
I put on my shoes and walked outside with steve into the car and drove off with a nice silence in the air as we drove to my destination.

When I got there not much happened.
I sat with cherry in a booth and we both ordered a chocolate milkshake.
The waitress was definitely eyeing cherry which made her blush quite a bit.
But other than that nothing big happened it was just a ice night with a friend and us talking MAJOR shit on dally.

𝓖𝓮𝓽 𝔂𝓸𝓾. PONYBOY×JOHNNY Where stories live. Discover now