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3rd person POV:

It had been a few weeks since the little incedent and things were a little bit awkward between the two. It wasn't enough for them to not talk but it was enough that it was noticable to not only them but others aswell .

Johnny was walking to school alone since pony had a meeting with one of his teachers before school and wanted to be early for it. Johnny didn't mind it though he knew pony liked being early and today was a beautiful morning, the sky dusted with vibrant shades of pinks, oranges and purples.

Johnny was walking admiring the beauty of the morning sky  and stopped for a few minutes just to look at the scene in front of him. He continued on his way but not without thinking of the many times he and ponyboy had spoken about their love for the morning and evening sunsets.
The thought of the boy immediately put a bright blush and smile on his tanned face.

He had made it to the front steps of the school and took one last minute to admire the sky. One he decided he had been there long enough he had walked in to the hellhole called school but this time he was in a good mood mostly for the fond memories that played in his head.

~•°☆ time skip to the end of 4th period ☆°•~

Johnny was walking in the hallways excited to see his best friends face as he made his way to his locker only to be met with the sight of his "friend" with the schools most popular girl Cherri Valance. The most beautiful and loved girl in school with his crush. Johnny walked back a few feet and peeked his head around a corner. To his horror he saw cherri give ponyboy a kiss on the cheek. And to make matters worse pony leaned into the display of affection. He felt all type of emotions none really being identified except for two. Sadness because he really thought that pony liked him and he had loved pony for the longest time only to see him with another person. Johnny was heartbroken that he had fallen for a trap. Anger because how could his own best friend play with his feelings!? If he didn't actually like him why would he try and kiss him? Why would he pretend to be gay? Why would he use Johnny like this?

Johnny felt tears forming in his eyes as ran into a bathroom and locked himself in a stall. He brought his knees to his chest as silent sobs fell from his lips.
Once Johnny had felt like he had no more tears left in his system he looked up to see none other than ponyboy curtis himself.

OHHHHH SHIT HERE COMES SOME CHISME FUCKERS HAHAHAHA. leaving you on another cliffhanger 🤪💅

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