the letters+the date!

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Eddie's pov:

I was walking around the neighborhood delivering mail as i normally do. When i got to Franks house i took the mail they had gotten including a letter i had wrote.

I put the mail into theyre mail box and looked st the porch where he was sitting reading a book about butterflies.

" Hes adorable " i thought to myself, i was clearly zoned out, "Hey Eddie?!" I heard Frank yell "Oh my! Im sorry, i didnt realise i was staring at you! Ill get going!-" i turned away embarrased

I walked over to Julies house who ran up to me and asked "well?? How did it go??" I answered with "idk.." i handed her a box and a few letters. "Oh, well its okay!" She answered. I just walked off and i delivered the rest of the mail and went back to the posts office.

Frank's pov:

I went up to my mail box and took out all of the mail, i started scrolling throught them until i come up with one that was wrote by Eddie. I poneded it and read it. It read

"dear, frank.
I know we dont talk too much but when we do its always amazing, i get butterflies in my stomach. I know this might sound abit corny but, Frank Frankly i think i might be in love with you. No, no. I know im in love with you.

Love. Eddie"

I blushed while reading the letter. Oh how perfect his hand writing is, should i write back.. I mean i probably should write him back. I grapped a piece of paper and a pen. i began writing.

"Dear, Eddie
Thank you for your letter, i dont know how to say this but i feel the same way about you. Everything about you is just perfect. If your free on saturday would you like to go to the park, consider it as a date!"

He put the letter into an envelope and walked to Julies place. Julie was playing with wally on the yard. The two spotted Frank and ran up to him, "Hi!" Julie said. "Whats that?" Wally asked. "Its a letter for eddie, could you two go give it to him" i asked the two as they both gasped "what did you write him back??" Julie asked exicted. "Do you love him back!!" Wally asked forming his hands into a heart. Frank just stares at wally blushing abit.

"Well do it Frank" both said and then ran off.

Wally's pov:

As me and Julie ran to the post office we were so tempted not to open the letter, we were good friends so we didnt.

As we ran into the post office, "Eddie!!" I yelled and ran to Eddie and gave him the letter "Thats for you, could you read it out loud for me and Julie??" I asked. "Uhh, sure kiddos!" Eddie answered.

He opened the envelope and started reading it out loud, me and Julie were so happy, Eddie stopped in the middle of his speech. "Whyd you stop??" I asked. "He wants to go on a date!" He said happily. "Where!! Where!!" Julie was hopping and asking happily. "Im not telling you two, youre the kind of people who would stalk us" Eddie answered. "Touche.." i muttered.

Eddie's pov:

I stood up and walked to wally and Julie and hugged them, they hugged me back. "Wait!! Can you tell us when the date is so we can help you get ready!!" Julie said. "Omg yes!!" Wally said, i agreed because they were as exicted i was.


Franks pov:

id had gotten a letter from eddie telling me saturday was a good time for our date. Thats day had come so id gotten ready, i was wearing the stuff i always wear but i had made sure i looked extra neat! I saw that i still had some time until the date so i just sat down on my couch and started reading.

Eddie's pov:

Wally and Julie were picking a outfit out for me, theyve already picked pants which were these light tan palazzo pants which i love, i had already put them on. "Wait why cant i just waer the thing i wear everyday??" I asked. "Do you wanna go to a date with your work clothing?" Wally siad with abit of sass. "Damm" i thought to myself. Julie gave me a white t-shirt with the sleeves being different colors, the right arm was red and the left one was green, there was also a yellow smiley face on the right. I put the t-shirt on and wally tucked it into my pants. "Doneee!!" Julie sang happily. "Come on!" Wally said while dragging me to Franks house

As wally stopped dragging me we were at Franks house they were inside reading. Wally and Julie ran off and i walked to Franks door and knocked on the door. And Frank opened the door.

Frank's pov:

I heard a knock at my door so i went to open it, i saw Eddie and hugged him, he hugged me back thightly. This might sound very corny but i felt safe with him. I smiled abit.

We stopped hugging and he offered me his hand and i took it. We started walking to the park talking. I saw Sally running up to us "hey Eddie and Frank! Where are you two going? Ooohhh eddie you look good in that outfit!! Wait are you two on a date?? Awww i ship it!!" Sally was talking fastly but still clearly. "Yes we are sally, now could you please leave us alone? I think wally and julie to home, maybe go with them?" Eddie said calmly.

"Okay!" She said and ran off. We continued to walk to the park speaking about everything.

(Timeskip like a few hours:))

Eddie's pov:

I walked Frank home and walked home myself

Words used:991

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