morning routine

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(theyre married in this oneshot because- idk i just want them to be married! Also this story was litreally just isnpired by that picture)

Eddie's pov:

I woke up around 6 am to see Frank still asleep. He had his hands and legs wrapped around me, i kissed his forehead and gently tried to get him off of me.

When i finally did get him off i stood up and walked to the bathroom to brushed my teeth and splashed some cold water on my face to wake me up.

I walked back to our bedroom to put on my unifrom, i also grapped my wedding ring from the side table where i put it every night because it hurts to sleep with him.

I looked back at Frank and smiled. "He looks so peacful sleeping" i thought to myself. I walked to the kitchen to make some coffee.

Frank's pov:

i woke up and slowly sat up and looked around to find eddie. "Huh??" I thought, where was he? I stood up and looked at his side table, he took the ring. I walked out of room. "Eddie??" I said abit loudly. I heard him answer "im in the kitchen darling!" So i walked to the kitchen and hugged him. He hugged back.

"Are you alright dear?" He asked me. "Mhm" i answered him. I went on my tip toes to reach him and then i kissed him, he bent down so i could stand normally.

Eddie's pov:

"Did you wake up because i werent there for you to cuddle?" I asked Frank. "Of course i did-" he answeres as he buried his face in my chest. I smiled, "he was so adorable" i thought to myself

(Time skip<3)

Frank's pov:

Me and eddie were just drinking coffee as he looked at the clock and realised he had to go to work so he walked to the kitchen to put his mug in the sink and then he walked over to me and kissed me again.

"I have to go now dear, see you after work" he said and i was abit sad about it but what can you do i guess. "Bye!" I said as he walked out of the door and to work at the post office, i just sat there. "Julies probably home right now" i said quietly to myself

Words used in the story:401

lovely times{eddie x frank} | {welcome home}Where stories live. Discover now