birthday party

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(this idea was gotten from fredslore! So thank you!!!)

(Dating gay puppets<3)

Eddie's pov:

I was just working like any other day,delivering packages, it seems that frank had ordered something heavy but i fidnt think luch of it. He tends to order many things.

This day was kinda special for me, since it was my birthday! I dont know if frank would remember since it was the first time it was my birthday that we have been together. Last year he didnt know until i told him. I wonder what Franks doing right now.....

I was humming as i was delivering the package for frank, when i got to franks house i knocked on the door and Julie came to open "hey Eddie!!" She said taking the package. "Hey Julie! is Frank there?" I said trying to look behind her to find Frank. "Yeah hes here!" She answered. It looks like she wants to tell me something but cant so she just closes the door. "oh-" i said

Frank's pov:

Me and julie were planning eddies secret birthday party. The party was my idea and the secret party was julies. She decided to host the psrty at her house. So we left a note in my house telling eddie to come to julies house!

I was exicted but didnt show it ofc. I had ordered a present for eddie, and hes also delivering it... Huh.. Its eddie he would never peek inside the packages


(Everyone was at julies house expect eddie ofc)

Eddie's pov:

I walked to Franks house and opened the door since he had given me the keys. "Frank??" I said turning the lights on and seeing a piece of paper with my name written on it.

I walked over to the paper and opened it. It only read to go to Julies house. So i did that. I walked to the house and the door was open, i opened the door more and i saw that the whole house was decorated, and instatly realised and started laughing abit. Julie ran over to me and jumped on me. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY EDDIE!!" Julie said exicted to me. "meandfrankplannedthispartyforthewholeweek!! Soitwouldbeperfect!!" Julie said quickly. "Woah woah!! Calm down there" i said not even realising another person came over to me and hugged me. "Happy birthday eddie!" I heard frank say as julie stood off me so i could hug frank back.

"Me and frank were planning this for the whole week!!" Julie said slower. Everyone already had come out to tell me happy birthday and frank gave me the box i delivered it. I opened the box and it was a jacket. "Ill probably steal that" i heard frank say. "No! You have already stole like 10, and you lie that you dont." I said. "Whaaatt??? Nooo... Why would i?" Frank said

Words used: 480

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