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(this story theyre still not dsting but anywayy...)

Frank's pov:

I was enjoying my evening, reading a book as there was thunderstorm outside. I was enjoying my book before i heard a knock, i got up abit annoyed and walked over to the door and open it to see eddie standing there drenched wet. "Hey frank-" eddie said to me. I looked at him, i pulled him into my house so he wouldnt get more wet

(Thats as much as it saved and it had 545 words so ill try to continue it but probably Make this shorter..)

I look at eddie and sigh. "Take your shoes off." I said to him. "What?-" he asked me in abit of a confused. "Shoes off" i told him. "Then you can go take a shower" i said to him

He took his shoes off and i took his hand and helped him to the bathroom, i put a towel on the toilet. "Ill go look for clothing for you" i said yo him and walked away closing the door after me.

I walked in my room and started digging throught my closet. After some time of digging i found shorts and a t-shirt that would fit eddie, i didnt even know how they got in my closet but i didnt care. I think he would have to stay overnight since it was raining alot

I walked to the living room and sat on the couch and continued reading. After about 10 minutes eddie walked in the living room wesring the towel i gave him around his waist. I looked at him and blushed a little. "Eddie go to my room there should be clothing for you" i said looking away and he walked off

He walked back to the living room and sat next to me. After like 20 of silence eddie broke it. "Soo.. whats your favorite color?" He asked me. We dont talk much so asking simple questons is understanable. "Blue.. no green..." I said, i myself didnt know- "ooh nice!!" He said smiling. "I fucked(OMG FRANK SWORE...) up.. its yellow" eddie started laughing abit, which made me smile abit.

"How about we watch a movie??" I asked him. "Ooh yes!!" He said. I started looking at my VHS tapes(i had to look this up..). I chose one and put the movie on and sat next to eddie.

(Like 40 mins later..)

Frank had fallen asleep on eddie and eddie had turned the movie off and laid on the sofa eith frank cuddled to him. They were both asleep.

Words used:435

lovely times{eddie x frank} | {welcome home}Where stories live. Discover now