date night

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(this story takes place when they were dating by the way!!)

Eddie's pov:

I was looking at a ring box, its been almost a two years since me and Frank started dating. I put the ring back in my pocket. I walked to Franks house and saw him reading on the front porch, so i walked up to him. He was clearly very focused on the book since he didnt see me sneak up to him and kiss him. He got abit suprised but he wrapped his arms around my neck to keep our kiss for a longer time

"GET A ROOM!!!" I heard wally yell at us but i didnt care about him, i was just happy that i was with Frank. I took Franks hand and walked in with him and sat down with him on my lap, he blushed alot! I started kissing his jawline and neck, i heard him laugh abit. "Eddie, stop it!-" i heard him say. "Why??"i said while my head was still on his neck. Frank didnt respond he just pushed my head away and sat on my lap facing me.

"Hello handsome, would you wanna go on a date with me today at some point?" i said. "Sure" Frank answered. "Great ill pick you up at some point" i said to him. I stood up carrying Frank and placed him on the couch and walked out of the house.

Wally's pov:

I was secretly stalking Franks and Eddie and i really tought they were gonna do the... Uhhh... Dirty. I guess i was really wrong

I watched as Eddie walked out of Franks house.

Eddie turned around and saw me tho- "hi Eddie-" i said nervous. "What the fu..... Fork.. wally?!-" he said and sighed after.

(Time skip)

Frank's pov:

It was a breezy night so over my clothing i put on a jacket. I knew Eddie would be coming soon so i went to the porch and saw him walking to my porch. "Heyy.." Eddie said. "Is that the jacket i lost?!" he asked me "ofc no!" I said "it is his jacket.." i thought to myself with a slight grin

As we were walking around the neighborhood talking about everything, he took me to the woods where was a little picnic set up. "I picked this spot cause you can see the starts perfectly"Eddie said. we sat down still talking.

(Time skip like and hour of them talking<3)

Eddie's pov:

"Nows the time.." i stood up and walked to frank and helped him stand up as i got on one knee and he realised. "Eddie noo-" he said blushing. "Eddie yes!" I said. "Frank Frankly, weve been dating for now almost two years since we started dating, that 1 year and 11 months have been amazing. So Frank, will you marry me?" I said. "I- of course Eddie!!!" He said, i stood up and hugged him and he kissed me.

Words used: 496

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