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(this story takes before theyre even dating cause gay puppets<3)

(Also this ones probably gonna be shorter than others)

Julie's pov:

I was playing before i saw Franks heading towards me, so i ran up to him. Wait was he?? BLUSHING!?

He was trying to cover his face too. "Hi Frankiee!!" I yelled. "Why are you covering your face??" I asked him. "Its nothing.." he said. I grapped his hand and dragged him into my house and pushed him on the couch. "Tell your bestie whats wrong!" I said and he sighed. "I think.. i have a crush.." he mumbled.

I gasped. "Who!!! Who!!!" I said exicted. "Well.. hes a nice person" he was saying before i cut him off "Wait.. HE!! Your gay!!!!!" I said. "Yes im gay Julie, but besides. Let me continue. Hes also quite a friendly person, his hair is a gorgeus red color and his laugh is just adorable!" He said blushing alot. "Wait... You like Eddie!!! Omg!!" I said jumping up and down "you need to tell him!!" I said. "I cant, i just would run off embarrased" he said sounding abit sad. I looked at him "i still ship it.." i mumbled to myself

Words used:205

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