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(theyre dating in this story so its before the other chapter)

Frank's pov:

I woke up around 3:37 am due to a nightmare. I was shaking and crying abit. I looked to my side to gladly see Eddie. I sat up and put my knees up to my chest pulling the blanket more towards ne waking Eddie up.

Hes s light sleeper, So its easy for him to wake up. "Frank? Are you okay?" He asked with a tired voice. "Oh.. Mhm!.." i said still shaking abit. I felt him put an arm around me, i smiled abit and hugged him thightly.

"Whats wrong dear?" He asked me. "Nightmare." I said. "Again?.. what happened in this one?" He asked. "You died." I said. "Ah.." Eddie said. He pulled me close and laid down with me ontop of him and he started kissing me on the lips, then he moved to my jawline and neck. It tickles, but i did enjoy it

I made him stop. "Frank?-" He said. I started kissing Eddies jawline and neck and he blushed a deep color of red, it was adorable, He was adorable!

At this point id forgotten about my nightmare and i cuddled close to Eddie and fell asleep

(Time skip)

Frank's pov:

In the morning when i woke up, the first thing i did was sit up and i saw eddie bring me a cup off coffee trying not to spill it but as he got to the room he slipped on a sock and went flying to the ground, the mug broke and coffee spilled everywhere. I looked at him worried. "Are you okay Ed?!" I asked him. "Im so sorry i spilled your coffee:(" he said. "I DIDNT ASK THAT" i said looking worried and abit grumpy

"Oh yeah, i am!"

Words used:314

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