alternate epilogue

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Hi guys! It's been almost three years since I finished this book but I'll be honest when I finished I lacked inspiration and the way I wrote my epilogues didn't sit right with me. Even now years later I still think about it and wish I did it differently so that's what I'm doing. Giving you an alternate epilogue, pick which one you'd rather [I think it might be this one ;) ]. Also if you have some time check out my Fred fanfic that I've just started. Anyways love you all and the amazing support this book got, I'm so proud.<3

2 years after the battle of Hogwarts

I was sat at some park not far from my apartment with Pansy, Theo and Blaise were round almost every day. We had invited Draco but he'd only come a few times. I was watching the sunset, I had thought of Draco almost every day, I missed him. I had avoided seeing him lately because I was terrified my feelings would spill out of me and I would tell him everything.

Pansy had been encouraging me to run to Malfoy manor and tell him how I felt but I just couldn't muster up the courage, not a Gryffindor. "Hey accent" my body froze up as he slid next to me. "Pansy said I'd find you here" he admitted taking my hand. "That bitch" I muttered. "How have you been" he asked, I looked up to him. He hadn't changed he was still the most beautiful boy I'd ever seen. "Terrible" I laughed. "I miss Fred" It hurt me to say his name, "and Remus, Sirius" I felt myself tear up.

Draco put his arm around me giving me a hug, "I'm sure they miss you too, they're proud of you" I smiled, his mint smell filling my nose. "I miss you" I blurted out. Draco pulled back and looked at me. "You know I would be with you in a second" I closed my eyes, "I think" I muttered. "I want you" Draco's face lit up and he grabbed my face and kissed me. I felt my stomach doing flips, I'd missed him, I'd missed this so much.

"I love you accent" he whispered kissing my head, "I have never stopped loving you" Draco pulled out something from his pocket and I looked down to see a ring. "Slow down there cowboy" I laughed, "wait a little while first, I want to be with you and I'd love to marry you but maybe we can just make this work first" he pocketed it and nodded. "I'll wait, I'll carry it everyday until you're ready" I kissed his cheek. "I love you my soft boy" we both laughed.

1 year later

"You sure you're okay with me and Draco moving in together" I asked Pansy, "Of course y/f/l. Besides me and Blaise were talking about moving in together soon, we'll visit every week" She hugged me tight. "I love you y/n, you're my best friend. Don't forget that" I kissed her cheek. "I love you too P, you are by far the best thing that's ever happened to me" My eyes were tearing up. "Rude" I heard Draco's voice from behind me. Him, Blaise and Theo were moving our stuff out. "Oh get over it, you know Pansy is my main girl". We all laughed and I felt a sense of nostalgia, these people were my family. My life.

Draco put the last box down in our new house. "I love you" I muttered. I turned and Draco was on one knee,"It's been a year since I got you back, I've never been happier. I waited for you y/n and it was the best thing I ever did, all my years with you have made me a better man and the ones to come will make me the best man. I love you, will you marry me." I felt the tears come and a grin spread across my face. "Of course I will" Draco jumped up and hugged me twirling me around, I gave him a chaste kiss. He put the ring on my finger. "I will love you forever".

3 years later

Draco and I had so much love, he helped me recover from everything, from the war, my losses, my trauma, my life. He was there every minute he could be, he made me better. Happier. Pansy stuck by her word and was round once a week sometimes once a fortnight but that was okay. She was my made of honour, George walked me down the isle. It was a beautiful wedding, everyone there was happy and full of life it was the best day of my life. Oh and right now, right now I was pregnant.

"hey love you look stressed" Draco rubbed his hand on my back. I looked at him, I was excited but fearful of what he might say, "I'm pregnant" Draco's face went through so many emotions until he just stood there smiling at me, "thats-thats amazing!" He grabbed my face and kissed me. "WE'RE HAVING A BABY" He yelled clearly happy. I let out a relieved sigh, Draco kissed my face a million more times. "Invite our friends here now!" Draco ran down the hall "I'll make dinner!" I laughed and sent a letter to Pansy who would bring her husband Blaise and I sent another to Theo. I also sent one to Harry and told him to bring his girlfriend, Hermione and Ron. A separate letter to George.

Once they all arrived we sat down and ate dinner, Harry and I didn't get along in school but now, we were good. We had understood we were different people but we were still brother and sister. "So" Draco said fidgeting like crazy as he was so excited. "I'm, sorry, we're pregnant!" Everyone let out a squeal, Pansy was the first to jump up and hug me then George. My brother shook Draco's hand which made feel a sort of happiness. My brother turned to me and hugged me, "you deserve to be happy, I am so happy for you" I gave him a grin. "Thanks haz". Hermione and Ginny congratulated us as well. The rest of the dinner went perfectly, everything was perfect.

I knew that the rest of my life with Draco would be perfect too, and it was. Everything was different.

the different (better) ending to different D.M <3

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