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" 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒕𝒓𝒖𝒍𝒚 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒂𝒏 𝒊𝒅𝒊𝒐𝒕 "

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" 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒕𝒓𝒖𝒍𝒚 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒂𝒏 𝒊𝒅𝒊𝒐𝒕 "

I kept glancing over at Cormac who seemed to be following around Hermione, I wanted to step in and say something but I also knew Hermione would have to do it herself for him to listen. I was currently talking to Luna Lovegood who I had briefly befriended last year. 'So that's what nargles are' She carried on in her soft voice. I hummed still keeping an eye on Hermione. 'Luna do you mind if I?' I hinted towards Granger and she smiled sweetly. 'Of course I don't off you go' I bowed my head and scrambled in her direction 'Granger' My whisper was harsh 'Oi, Granger' She whipped around a look of relief spreading across her face when she saw it was me.

'How's Cormac' I laughed, she punched my arm surprisingly hard, 'OW!' She held up her hands 'Sorry, sorry he's just stressing me out. I've only just gotten away from him' I sighed and shook my head wiping my forehead. 'Just tell him you're with Ron' Her eyes became as big as saucers she looked both hurt and confused. 'Ron? Why him?' I shrugged 'you're together now are you not?' She shook her head. 'No, we uh aren't talking he's with Lavender brown' I choked 'What? I could of sworn he was with you' She shook her head and looked down a little hurt. It was clear she wasn't a fan of Ron and Lavender. 'No he's never been with me' I took her hand for a second. 'Well it's pretty clear he likes you so you'll get married some day' She punched me again probably leaving a bruise. 'Shut it you, oh and nice neck' 

I groaned 'Hermione don't even fucking go there. I can't get rid of them' She got out her wand 'Of course you can' The next thing that happened was slightly worth the hickeys. Hermione Granger couldn't fix something with a spell and she looked utterly distraught, her face kind of scrunched up and she looked like she was about to be sick. 'I- there's just no way that its possible' I chuckled and sighed 'It is, hes smart' She then went back to normal before saying 'Wait Draco?' I gulped and nodded 'Bu-' I cut her off by pushing her 'Go Cormac'

'Hey uh y/n you haven't seen Hermione have you' He stuttered out, I did the fakest smile I could before replying 'No, I was just looking for her' He hummed nodding 'You okay with, us, now?' I couldn't help but actually laugh, 'I didn't know there was an "us" between you and Hermione' He nodded as if he was boasting her. 'Yeah, there is' I just rolled my eyes before he thought he spotted her 'Ah there she is' He said and chasing after her like she was his prey or something. Truly was disgusting.

'Get off me, Get off me' I could recognise that voice anywhere. I moved forward and pushed through a group of people, 'Professor Slughorn, sir. I just this boy lurking in an upstairs corridor. He claims to have been invited to your party' Draco held up his arms 'Okay, okay! I was gatecrashing' no he wasn't, he absolutely wasn't. I stayed glued to my spot, despite already knowing his task and what he had to do, I couldn't help but be curious. I watched him walk away with Professor Snape and followed him but it seemed my brother had the same idea. I didn't listen to Snape and Draco instead I focused on my brother before creeping up behind him. 'You truly are an idiot' I said flatly before dragging him away and throwing him back into the party. 'Too curious for you own good' I snarled.

I followed Malfoy down the corridor, nodding at Snape as we walked past each other. I followed him further and further until we were out of the school and walking down past Hagrid's hut and into the forest. 'DRACO WILL YOU STOP, PLEASE' I ran further forward where he finally stopped walking and turned to look at me. 'I want to give up' He cried hard falling to his knees. He hugged me crying into my stomach before I lowered myself to my knees as well. I grabbed the hem of my dress changing it into some joggers and a jumper. Draco cried harder and harder into my jumper, getting it wet with his tears before pausing to lean back and show me his arm. He pulled up his sleeve and I stared at the death eater mark. I knew he had it but this felt all too surreal. It was red and raw where he had tried to scratch it off.

I took his arm and brought it closer to my face, I kissed up his forearm over and over until the crying slowed even just a little. 'I'm with you no matter what Soft boy, how many times do I have to tell you' He tried to smile but failed. 'I'm so in love with you' He whispered and I smiled softly at him. I took him to my chest, hugging him tight and letting him cry more. 'Let me help you with what vol-' his flinch made me stop. 'With what the dark lord, is making you do' He sniffled but nodded 'please'.

I leaned myself against a tree in a comfortable position and let Draco cuddle into my stomach, I had used the accio spell to get the book and I had opened the book to where we had left off. We fell asleep in the woods, almost finishing the book. I didn't care about the things that may get me that were in these woods because I was with him. People say home is a place you can go to, for me home was him and right in this moment I was home.

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