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" 𝑰𝒕'𝒔 𝒂 𝒈𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑰 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒏 "
I laughed at one of George's stupid jokes we were tailing behind the others whilst they find the seats 'blimey dad how far up are we' Ron asked in amazement, 'Well put it this way, if it rains you'll be the first to know' The voice sent chills down my spine I knew who it was and who must of been with him, I stepped out in front of Ron, 'It's a good thing I like the rain' Draco and I met eyes, we had both matured and he was looking me up and down taking me in, I was studying his face which had become more attractive, his hair was styled slightly and his black suit made him look older. Draco broke his gaze with me and looked at my brother. 'Father and I are in the minister's box, by personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself' I scoffed catching both his and his fathers attention. 'Don't boast Draco, there's no need with these people' I wanted to go down there and kick him.
The others walked off but I stayed my gaze stuck on Draco, 'I'll catch up' He said to his father who was sceptical but walked away. 'y/n' He breathed I didn't want to smile and give in but I couldn't help it, Draco climbed the railing jumping up next to me, I fell back on to the wall, we were so close his nose was inches from my own. 'I missed you, I want to fix us' He said the words I never thought I'd hear. I wrapped my arms around his neck burying my face in his chest, 'I'm so glad you said that I missed my best friend' He tensed at the last words but quickly relaxed, I leaned back taking in how tall he had gotten 'I feel tiny' He chuckled his minty breath hitting my nose, 'you always were small accent girl'.
I rolled my eyes, 'also you uh well grew' He stuttered rubbing the back of his neck, I widened my eyes hitting him 'really you get me back and you tell me I've grown' He shrugs 'Well it wasn't something we could avoid noticing' I just shook my head 'now you need to go because you need to be at the minister's box' I did my best impression of a posh British, Malfoy would normally get angry at someone for that but with me he just chuckled. 'I'll see you tomorrow on the train' He said leaning down to kiss my cheek, I felt my stomach explode in butterflies causing me to mentally tell myself off. He walked away and his scent still lingered, the smell of expensive aftershave and citrus. I smiled to myself knowing I had Draco back and wandered off to go find the others and watch the game.
'There's no one like Krum. He's like a bird the way he rides the wind. He's more than an athlete' The twins encouraged from beside him making me giggle 'I think you're in love Ronald' I chided making him glare at me. George started singing causing Fred to join in, 'Viktor I love you! Viktor I do!' We all laughed and joined in, Fred paused 'sounds like the Irish have got their pride on' Arthur came running in 'That's not the Irish we need to go!' We all followed him out, it took me seconds to see the death eaters and then my scar started aching 'shit' I muttered, Arthur was shouting orders at us but I had no idea what he was saying anymore. I felt a hand in mine, it was Fred 'y/n! We have to go!' I nodded gulping 'I'm right behind you' He seemed cautious but headed off with his little sister and twin. I looked around for someone I recognised but couldn't see anyone, I ran trying to get back to the port key but I got grabbed being pulled into a tent. 'y/n you're okay' Draco sighed hugging me. 'you need to go'.
I gulped 'I was trying to' His expression softened 'sorry I just needed to know you were okay' I laughed a quiet and shy laugh, 'well I'm fine but I think me of all people really needs to get the hell out of here' He nodded and laced his hand into mine running towards the port key. Draco had obviously become more affectionate towards me this year but I blamed it on just getting me back, I knew he wouldn't be like this in school so I tried not to dwell on it too much. 'y/n!' Ginny grinned. I turned my body to Draco, 'I leave you here' I knitted my brows together, 'what no just come with us' He shook his head. 'You know I can't do that, This time I really will see you on the train' He didn't let me get in another word before running off.
Everyone was still a little shaken from the events at the quidditch world cup but I tried to forget as I boarded the train for Hogwarts, 'y/n' Pansy chirped hugging me, I didn't mind hugging Slytherin's because we were all mostly the same about hugs meaning with each other it was easy to be comfortable. She ran her hands down the sides of my body, 'you grew didn't you, you look gorgeous' I smiled 'So do you Pansy you always are' She blushed and moved so Blaise could see me. 'You definitely grew' I grinned 'Blaise!' I jumped on him wrapping my legs around his torso. 'missed me?' I nodded into his shoulder. 'You have no idea' He put me down and we shared a grin, I was happy to be back. The carriage door opened and we moved out of the aisle, I quickly smiled at Draco but brought my attention back to the Hufflepuff's walking through.
One of them noticed me, 'y/n, it's good to see you' I bowed my head to Cedric who had the biggest smile as always. 'Still as gorgeous as when I saw you at the cup' I felt my cheeks heat up but I just gulped thanking. I could see in my peripheral vision draco scowling at the boy, Cedric had clearly noticed to and just bowed his head one last time walking off with his mates. 'Cedric Diggory ay?' Blaise teased but I just made a negative sound 'not at all hes hot don't get me wrong but he's never noticed me before so why now?' Blaise looked down and then up 'I think I could take a guess' This cause both Pansy and I to laugh. 'Careful Blaise I will hex you'.