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" 𝑷𝒂𝒏𝒔𝒚! "
We were following Sirius down the road still feeling a bit ill from the apparition, Pansy and I were striding as quick as possible, Sirius was skipping in dog form. We turned one more corner and a lot of the order were there. Tonks shot a quick look at Pansy but I raised my brow, 'she's with me' She nodded. 'You sure she's not going to expose everything?' Kingsley piped up. I stood firmly slightly in front of her. 'I said she's with me' No one argued with me about Pansy again and we started discussing how we were going to get in. 'The Carrows are out front, someone needs to deal with them' I put up my hand 'Pansy and I will, I think I owe him some revenge' Remus whipped around to me, There was still a few bits of blood on me but Sirius had cleaned most of it. 'He did that?' I nodded 'cruciatus curse too, dickheads' Remus growled but I put a hand to his chest. 'Like I said, revenge'
They all nodded 'You and Pansy go deal with them' I smiled at the thought of Sirius remembering Pansy's name. I hesitated, 'We'll be down there in 10 minutes exactly' They all nodded, 'So will we, we'll apparate you in okay 10 minutes exact' I nodded and hugged around Sirius waist, He glanced over at Pansy, 'Have her back' I assumed she nodded because he just looked down at me holding my shoulders in a firm position. 'Whatever happens when we get down there, you stay safe' I shook my head 'Where you are, I am' He chuckled. 'Please be safe munch'. The nickname made me smile and reminisce.
It was the lunch time of the day I was staying at Remus' 'Hey y/n! slower, Merlin's beard eat slower' I giggled and kicked his feet under the table. 'You really do munch pretty quick and powerful' He chuckled to himself and looked over at Remus. 'We used to call you that as a baby' I furrowed my brows 'Call me what?' Remus sat down beside him. 'Munch' Sirius scrambled my hair both of us grinning, toothy grins. Him and Remus shared a knowing look before turning back to me. 'Munch'.
'You sure you don't want to turn back now?' I asked Pansy on the last corner, she paused and held my shoulders 'Listen to me, we're best friend's we have been best friend's for the past almost 3 years. I am in this with you now and forever. So if we get back and the boys never speak to us again because we betrayed them for "Pottah" ' She imitated Malfoy's voice 'Than so be it, we are in this together' I hugged her, squeezing her tight. 'Forever, now lets go kick some ass' I grinned and we turned the corner together wands ready. We slipped through the door and I could see the Carrows. We both held our wands out ready and I shouted 'Hey Carrow' They both whipped around and we broke out into a fight shooting spells at each other, each more deadly than the next one.
'Expelliarmus!' I yelled disarming Alecto. I held a wand to his sister's throat. 'Drop. It' I demanded, she did exactly as I said. Pansy flicked her wand and the two of them fainted. 'How did yo-' She smirked widely, 'I learnt how to make people black out for hours' I nodded laughing a little. 'Remind me not to mess with you' She nodded nudging me 'I will do just that' I looked over at the clock on the wall 'we have 2 minu-' My voice was cut off by a cackle that was clearly a death eater. 'Miss Potter, I am Dolohov' I shivered and looked over at Pansy then glancing behind me hoping she understood. 'Well sir, it wasn't great meeting you' I held out my wand 'Crucio!' He fell to the floor and started running. 'COME ON LET's GO!' I yelled. I shouldn't have assumed she was behind me because she wasn't. It was only when I heard her scream I noticed.
'Pansy!' I screeched turning back, Dolohov had a disgusting and dirty grin on his face, his wand right at my best friend's neck. I took a deep breath and ran full pelt at him, knocking him to the ground. His wand fell out of his hand and slid across the room. 'Pansy your spell! Please!' She nodded eagerly scurrying to pick up her wand before flicking it knocking the man underneath me out. I sighed and fell back against the wall. She slid next to me and we took hands, ready to get the horrible apparating feeling again.
We whooshed and I felt slightly sick but I brushed it off, 'Sirius!' I shouted, he slid over to me giving me a quick side hug 'You okay munch?' I nodded 'You okay dog man' He chuckled but nodded back. 'Pansy go get the others and get them down there please' She quickly dipped her head and ran towards Harry friends. 'Shall we Prancer?' Sirius asked. I smiled 'Yes Padfoot, let's go get Harry' We ran forward, jumping over rocks and shooting spells at attacking death eaters. 'MOONY!' I yelled, he ducked 'Stupefy!' The death eater behind him flew back and we bowed our heads at one another. 'Thanks Prancer' I smiled but carried on running with Sirius. We skidded into him and I gave him a quick hug. 'Now listen, go with Pansy and the others and get out of here' He shook his head vigorously 'No. What? I'm staying with you' I took a brief look at Sirius both of us smirking. 'You've done beautifully' He confirmed to both of us. I grinned and looked over to see Malfoy's father with his wand out towards Sirius. It hurt me deep down, I knew it was Draco's father and it hurt a lot. 'Black' He chided.