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" 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒕, 𝒈𝒆𝒐𝒓𝒈𝒆 "

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" 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒕, 𝒈𝒆𝒐𝒓𝒈𝒆 "

I was sat on harry's windowsill, they were moving him tonight and I wanted to keep an eye on him, I had been doing this all summer in my animagus form. Oh yeah, I became an animagus, half the time I could form into a bear and the other half a butterfly; just like my patronus. I was currently a blue butterfly perching on his window waiting for the others to arrive. I heard the door click downstairs and I fluttered down to the lounge window. I watched the scene unfold as Harry argued his case but they took some hair from him and drunk the poly-juice potion. A wave of sadness came over me as the twins changed. I made a note to follow one of them.

I followed George into the storm with Mr weasley but they had it covered so I fluttered over to Harry. I felt hurt when I saw my bird flying next to hedwig. If I could smile at the thought of hedwig and fragment together I would be grinning wide. I loved how he was protecting Harry, my owl caring for hedwig and his owner. I Felt happy for a second before a bright flash of green. I stopped flying and froze. The small body fell and seconds later another small round body fell. I let myself go, I was free falling after my poor owl. I hadn't seen much but I'm pretty sure fragment took a hit for my brother.

The two birds hit the ground hard, with a splatter. I changed back, I was out of breath and my eyes were brimmed with tears. In a way, in a sick, twisted metaphor; this was representing my childhood dying and ending forever. I ran to the birds falling to my knees, I cradled them both in my arms, 'no, oh no' I muttered. I needed to get to the weasleys now but I didn't want to leave them not here. It was cold, it was too cold. I felt every part of me urging myself to go but I didn't want to leave them.

I did it, I got up and looked back, I had left them together wings touching. I changed again and flew to the Weasley's. I ran into the house and everyone turned shocked to see me. 'Shit, George' I attempted to move forward but Remus held a wand to my throat. 'Sirius last words' I shook my head my eyesight blurry from the tears 'Remus don't' His eyes were also filled with tears. 'SIRIUS' LAST WORDS' I looked him in the eyes 'I love you munch' he lowered his wand and ran into me hugging me tight. 'Y/n' Harry took a step forward 'I- I'm sorry frag-' I held out my hand, 'I saw, he saved you so did hedwig. I dropped to see them  they're together. They're okay' he nodded and let me walk past to George.

'You okay?' He laughed 'me? Where the hell have you been' I stroked his hair, 'watching over my brother, if you couldn't tell he's quite hated' he chuckled and Fred did as well. 'The blue butterfly, its you?' Harry quizzed from behind me. I raised a brow at George basically saying what a fucking genius. I turned and stood, 'yeah, yeah its me' he laughed 'its your patronus, but why the butterfly not the bear?' I shared a look with Remus, who had helped me with becoming animagus. 'Actually, I can do both I just thought being a butterfly on your window was easier than being a bear' he smiled and then hesitated. 'Why? I thought you'd be with...' he trailed off and I felt a sick feeling in my stomach. 'I haven't heard from him, but I did want to talk to you' I admitted. Harry nodded listening.

I could feel the tears welling up again, 'listen to me okay' I put a hand to his cheek. 'You're better than me, in so many ways. I can't save everyone but you can, and, and I really need you too because I will help you Harry as much as I can but I'm not you and, fuck how I wish I could be so selfless but I can't. So save them for me, save yourself, your friends, draco... because I know he's terrible but he can get better, he just needs help. I want to help him but I can't do that and save everyone so that's up to you. So try for me, and him, please.' He shook his head, 'come with me, please y/n I could use your help' I chuckled and wiped the tear off his face 'I'm with you all the way, tell me what you need and I will do it. But I need to help him first.'

Harry pulled me into a tight hug. 'I'll come to malfoy Manor soon, I'll get you and him out of there okay?' I nodded over and over again. 'Okay' he hugged me again. I gave Fred a hug and George a kiss on the forehead and told him he best get better. I declined politely the wedding invitation although I may sneak in. 'Y/n!' Harry yelled as I was walking out the door. 'I know it was you that night' I whipped around, and pulled the best clueless look I could 'huh?' He shook his head,  'fourth year, when we fight Voldemort, you kept me alive for those few seconds.' I furrowed my brows 'what?' He nodded 'I thought it was mum and dad but when I think about it the spell was out of your wand so thank you' I laughed 'I didn't even know but your welcome'.

[A/N] yes it is 5:30 am and I am updating and what also point out spelling mistakes I can fix cause I'm tired

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