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" 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒆𝒙𝒄𝒊𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒕 𝒕𝒂𝒔𝒌? "

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" 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒆𝒙𝒄𝒊𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒕 𝒕𝒂𝒔𝒌? "

I was strolling through Hogsmede on my way to meet my favourite mischievous twins at the three broomsticks, they said and I quote 'We need some of your hair, we want to see if it still changes not attached' Its clearly for some product they wanted to make. I pushed the door open and wandered in searching the room for the familiar redheads, a quick waving movement caught my eye and I wandered over. 'Boys' I greeted hugging them both. 'How are you two?' They grinned sating 'great' in unison. I sat in between them and Fred held up some scissors 'Willing to change?' I smirked 'Sure why not but I still haven't completely figured out how to do it but I can try'.

They both nodded eagerly, 'what colour?' Fred's eyes sparkled as he looked at George with joy, 'pink no purple, no pink' I giggled but closed my eyes focusing, my hair is pink. My hair is pink. I opened my eyes and looked down at my hair, it was a bright pink, a bubblegum kind of colour, Fred cut a small bit off and it turned back to y/h/c in his hand. 'Wait' I demanded, I stared right at the piece of hair, I imagined it still attached to my hair, the colour changing. I willed it like my life depended on it. I stared but it didn't really work. I sighed and leaned back putting my head on Fred's shoulder 'sorry about-' George gasped I looked back down and it was bright pink, and it wasn't going to change. We had done it. 'YES!' Fred shouted celebrating. 

I chuckled at how excited they were, Fred dropped it into a small vial, 'what do you want with it?' I asked genuinely curious as to how they were going to use it. 'Well you see if we want anything colour changing we need to figure out the chemicals behind it' I nodded understanding, 'Oh wow, so you can just use it?' George nodded pursing his lips 'Yeah and it'll go towards our joke shop we want' I grinned ear to ear, 'Hey I better get some credit' They both leaned into my side 'A whole shelf dedicated to y/n Potter' My smile just kept growing and growing. 'Wow I feel treasured' They both nodded. 'You can also live with us for a little of course, if you ever need somewhere to go, you can come to our flat above' I stroked both their cheeks 'You boys amaze me' George winked 'Look who it is'.

My head whipped around to look over at who had just walked in, Cedric noticed me and smiled, I smiled back waving. He said something to his friends, laughing as he walked over at me. 'hey, I'm not interrupting anything, am I?' The twins started shaking their heads vigorously, 'nope we can leave if you want' Cedric shook his head ready to say no but the twins had jumped up ready to go taking the vial of hair with them. 'Treat her well though' Fred tapped his shoulder 'Its been rough with boys lately. Be nice' George added.

Cedric chuckled sliding in next to me 'you excited for the last task?' I shook my head 'Not in the slightest just trying not to die you?' I felt Cedric's leg brush mine making me a little giddy. 'Might try and win you know, I'll share some glory with you though Potter of course' I laughed 'Yeah, we'll share the glory together' We both giggled a little and the waitress brought over Cedric's drink, sending him a wink his way. 'Getting all the lady attention' He frowned 'Well look at the waitress and the group of girls over there' He glanced over at the second years who were way too young for him but still had a little crush. 'Well you can help me' I blushed deeply. 'what' I felt his hand interlock with mine and I widened my eyes and looked back over at the girls who were now looking angry.

'I- Cedric you can't just, I-' I spilled out stuttering, 'everything okay y/n/n?' I gulped and took a deep breath as Cedric's thumb rubbed in circles over my palm. I nodded quickly, 'You want to walk back with me?' He asked and I nodded standing up and leaving before I locked eyes with anyone, I was terrified someone was going to tell Draco, I shouldn't of thought that but it made me nervous he would find out and be angry. I couldn't have that, not right now. I walked back with Cedric, he even walked me to the common room. 'Thank you for walking me back Ced' I wrapped my arms around his waist and held him tight, I took in his smell of old books, smoke and rain on the pavement. I smiled up at him,'We'll get through this tomorrow' He nodded and leaned down a little. 'together'.

I knew I shouldn't kiss Cedric, I didn't want him, I didn't like him but I think it was the same for Cedric, he didn't want me he wanted Cho. I've managed to convince myself the reason I kissed him was because I was so lonely and I needed to feel this, I needed to feel like I wasn't just obsessed with having Draco. I could branch out to other boys so I kissed him. I kissed him for a while, my hands running through his hair. He leaned down further, pulling me up closer to him, his hands were wrapped around my waist, holding me close to him. I was on the tip of my toes like I had to when I kissed Fred and when I had kissed Draco on the cheek. Draco laughing flashed in my head but I pushed it out by kissing Cedric with more power behind it. I pulled away still close to his face our breaths mixing, Cedric still holding me up. 'Lets win this shit' He kissed me quickly again before letting me go up to bed. 

[A/N] i-

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