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" 𝒔𝒆𝒙 𝒆𝒉? "
Draco why the hell am I up here?' I asked making my way up, 'Because' His voice bounced off the walls as I still couldn't see him. I trudged up the last stairs and met my boyfriends eyes. 'all the curfews umbridge has set, and all the rules we have to follow. I feel I- well I miss you' I chuckled 'And well, I really missed doing this' He stalked towards me, his cold hands tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. He leaned down his hands moving down to my waist as he pulled me in for a kiss. I sighed into the kiss, I had never missed this so much. I gripped his hair round my fingers as we both moved our lips so desperately. He turned me around so I was looking at the snowy view, his arms wrapped around me pulling me into him. My ass pressed against his crotch, he buried his face into my neck, making little kisses up my neck. He got to a sweet spot and sucked making me let out a quiet moan. His mouth brushed my ear, 'I missed this.' His voice and breath tickled my ear making me smile. His head leaned back onto my shoulder and I sighed. 'Me too'.
Winter was well and truly on its way, some may say winter is coming [;)]. But it was freezing, holidays were soon and I had written to Sirius several times about how I wanted to spend the holidays with my friends, he was extremely suspicious at first but he's warming up to the idea. My main group had decided we would spend a week and a half at a hotel in the muggle world in London and go sight seeing. We would spend 3 days with our family that including Christmas eve and then half a day of Christmas with them and head to the London hotel. Everyone seemed to agree and want to do it and the only weary parents/guardians were mine. Well Sirius. It was one of those boujee hotels with five stars, only the best for them. I also asked Molly who said that absolutely I could go, I knew I'd just have to talk to her about convincing Sirius and I could go. This felt like it could be a good Christmas. We needed this break. All of us.
I was strolling through the castle, I had a free period well what I called an "unofficial free period" I was skipping Umbitch's class. I was sat on one of the window spaces reading my book. I didn't really care for anything else in the world right now, I was just trying to get through the year without too much abuse from people. I could remember the first night so vividly; the stares in the common room up until Draco glared them all down, it made them cower. Everyone was terrified of the Malfoy family.
'Hey!' I tore my eyes from my book and looked at the two redheads walking toward me, I waved a bright smile on my face, 'hey lovely' Fred smiled at me giving me a quick hug. 'How have you been?' George asked sweetly giving me a quick side hug. I nodded confirming I had been alright,'We can see that' Fred joked glancing down at the hickey on my neck, I rolled my eyes but said nothing. 'We wanna talk to you about something, but you gotta keep quiet about it' I nodded holding out both pinkys out, they each took a pinky finger wrapping their fingers against mine in a promise. I walked back to my little window space and they sat on the floor opposite me. 'Look we've started an order, George and I want you to join but Harry basically runs it and as you can tell he's not too keen on you' I bit my lip, 'and?' They both shook their heads, 'We just thought you deserved to know'.
My grin spread across my face, my cheeks were flushed and freezing cold but I was still grinning, 'thank you' They nodded, 'We'll try talk to him but don't mind him' I nodded and jumped up, 'We've heard you're not spending most of the holidays with us' I shook my head frowning, 'Sorry boys, a couple of us are going away so I'll be with them most of the time but we have some time together' Fred beamed and raised a single brow 'Malfoy' I dipped my head, 'sex eh?' I choked laughing making my throat hurt but it was funny they thought that. 'Uh no I don't think so' George nudged his brother 'she doesn't think so' I growled a little growl as I didn't mind their teasing too much. 'Just use protection' I rolled my eyes 'Thank you boys so glad I have you' They walked up to me pecking a cheek each. 'See you soon little one'.
I was drenched in sweat I couldn't control where I was going I was just walking. I happened to know where I was, it was the Ministry of Magic, I had seen this hallway as it was the one opposite near Harry's hearing. I couldn't speak either, the door pushed open and I could see a small light ahead, out of instinct and not being able to control my movement I slithered toward it, The figurine turned around and it was Mr Weasley, I tried to talk to him but instead of greeting him I launched towards him and , bit him? I attacked him for a second time and a third, I tried to stop I didn't want to do this, I glanced in a corner and saw Harry staring at the situation. Was I killing him?
I took a sharp intake of breath as I jumped up, my breath was unorganised, I had to tell Dumbledore about the dream, I ran to the boys dorm and like he knew it was going to happen, Malfoy jumped up pulling me out of the room and into the corridor between our rooms, 'y/n, nightmare' I shook my head but then shrugged, 'I think we need Dumbledore, I think it was real' I was still wet, my t shirt and shorts sticking to me in an uncomfortable manner. We ran up to his office and it turns out it really was more of a dream, the entire Weasley family was stood to the left McGonagall and Harry in the middle by Draco and myself. 'Miss Potter same dream?' I shrugged looking at Harry who gulped hard. 'Harry what happened, did you see who attacked him' He shook his head lying making my blood boil.
He always had to try and do something good, 'bullshit' I commented, Dumbledore's head dipped towards me urging me to speak, 'It was me attacking him, although I don't think it was really me. But Harry I saw you I know you saw me. So stop trying to protect me, I don't need your help', My words were full of bitterness and he understood, there was silence for a couple minutes as Professor Dumbledore walked around saying some stuff to the pictures on the wall.'LOOK AT ME' Harry screamed making not just Dumbledore but the rest of us look at him. 'What's happening to us?' His voice broke, 'Oh Severus' The professor announced his colleagues presence, 'Off you go' I took Draco's hands 'Fuck off. I'll figure it out on my own' They left leaving Draco and I stood holding hands, ignoring the commotion of worried Weasleys.