04.. ❝ always have, always will. ❞

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. · ˚ HEAVENLY ˚ · .

heavenly | matthew sturniolo

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heavenly | matthew sturniolo

[ .. 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗅 𝗅𝗂𝖿𝖾 ]

🝮 real life

alyssa is in total shock. what the fuck? an old nickname that he's never called her since 6th grade? what the actual fuck is his problem?

"matt what the actual fuck is wrong with you? you literally haven't called me that since the fucking 6th grade. you don't ever bring it up, and you always call me lyssa. why's it such a problem now?" alyssa is so done. all she wants to do is scream. she's so fed up, matt is just furthering it by using an old nickname.

"maybe it's beca-"

"matt, i don't care anymore. leave me alone. i don't wanna feel your glance on me when i talk to him. just stop and leave me alone." alyssa is honestly about to explode. so, she decides to end the conversation before crying in front of the person she hates the most out of anyone. as she's walking away, she can hear matt in the distance, calling her name, hoping that she'll turn around. but it's alyssa and matt, she'll never turn around. as much as she wants to, she won't.

alyssa's walking back into the house, searching for anyone who knows chris or any of her friends, hoping to forget whatever the fuck happened just now.

"hey have you seen chris anywhere?" alyssa is asking everyone for chris. but, he's nowhere in sight. she ends up finding him in the backyard with eliza and nick.

"hey guys" alyssa slings her arm around nicks shoulder

"hey lyssa, where have you been? you missed everything! chris just beat this kid in pool, i was dying" eliza's borderline drunk and whenever she's remotely drunk she says whatever comes to mind. she confessed her love for peeta mellark one time.

"oh nowhere, i just went to grab a drink earlier." she's lying like shit.

"ohhhhhhhhh, i saw levi over there with you! did anything happennn" eliza's sluggish words make it hard to understand but alyssa can read lips well so it wasn't much of a problem.

nonchalantly, alyssa tells the group but dosent want to seem too excited.

"yeah he asked for my number."

"WHAT." the group says in unison

"yeah he asked me to help him study." she shrugs it off as if it's no big deal, but it is a big deal as her crush since middle school to hangout with her. sure he said "studying" but to alyssa he just asked her to get married and to live on a small farm with two kids and one dog.

"awww baby lyssas growing up!" chris nudges the top of alyssa's head.

"shut it chris" she giggles as she pushes his hand off.

"hey guys is this party getting boring for anyone else or is it just me? the atmosphere low-key died." nick says as he finishes sipping his drink.

"yeah i wanna go home not gonna lie." alyssa looks over to chris, but chris is occupied with eliza as he's taking her heels off and giving her his shoes to walk in.

"but i don't wanna go homeeeeeeee i'm having so much funnnnnn" eliza throws her cup behind her, splashing some random guy.

"bitch." he mumbles under his breath, loud enough for chris to hear.

"what the fuck did you just call her?" chris steps up to the boy. chris recognises the boy as alex may. alex is the captain of the football team and he's had a crush on eliza since freshman year. ever since alex layed his eyes on eliza on the sidelines at the first game of his freshman season, he's made it his mission to win eliza's heart.

"watch your girl next time, sturniolo." he laughs in chris's face.

obviously chris wasn't about to take that, so he pulls the boy by his shirt and punches his nose.

"you watch it, alex. wouldn't wanna get a broken nose again now would you?" chris laughs in his face now.

alex runs away in embarrassment, leaving his minions standing in front of chris and nick now.

"you two want a broken nose too?" nick steps up. they both run away to find their glorious king.

"yeah maybe we should leave." alyssa turns around to get eliza as she's laying on the grass.

"wait where's matt?" nick looks around for him outside but doesn't see him in his view.

"um no clue." alyssa kinda forgot that he's her ride home.

chris has taken off to find matt, leaving nick, eliza and alyssa. eliza is in between nick and alyssa on their shoulders for some balance.

after some time, chris comes back to the group.

"okay i got matt, let's go." chris jingles the keys as a signal that everyone's ready, he stole them from matt, of course. eliza, alyssa and nick walk to the car with chris. matt's on his phone, but when he sees the three walking over, he puts it away and his eyes shoot straight to alyssa. she's looking down and supporting eliza on her right shoulder. see, eliza can read alyssa, but matt can too. although their "enemies" they know more about each other that anyone else. always have, always will.

chris sits in the front as nick, eliza and alyssa sit in the back. alyssa in the middle, as nick sits on the left of her, and eliza on the right. chris starts playing lil skies and dancing to the music. alyssa isn't even aware of what's going on around her. she's been zoned out for atleast 6 minutes. she snaps out of her little trance, as she can feel nick sleeping on her shoulder, and eliza is probably asleep, but she's looking out the window. and chris is looks like he's about to fall asleep. she looks up to the rearview mirror, only to find matt looking at her. the two make eye contact for what feels like 5 hours. he finally says something to break the silence.

"do you want to come back to our place?"

"you can just drop me off at my house."

plot twist she's NOT coming home with them. she's staning on buisness 🤣🤣🤣

lay ♡︎

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